Exam paper 2012

Please answer either:

A: In her speech “Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle” (1912), Rosa Luxemburg rejects the arguments from “injustice” and “justice”, while Martha C. Nussbaum, in The Future of Feminist Liberalism (2000) reckons herself as one of those “who seek full justice for the world’s women”. Explain marxist and liberal feminist theories in this perspective. Discuss whether Simone de Beauvoir’s historical analysis of the battle for equality of the sexes is a marxist, a liberal, or a third approach.




B: Explain Judith Butler’s claim about “the ungrounded ground of feminist theory” in relation to her discussion of the female subject in “Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the question of Postmodernism” (1992). Compare Butler’s claim with the feminist theory of Julia Kristeva, Chandra Mohanty, or Mary Daly, and give arguments for and against Butler’s claim.

About exam:

During the course each student must give one oral presentation for the class. This presentation must be handed in after class and approved in order to present oneself for the final examination. The final examination is a three-days home essay over a given topic. The essay must have a length of min. 8 and max. 10 pages (2300 characters per page (not counting spaces) references in addition). The essay is assessed according to a scale from A to E for passing, and F for fail. Please save as a word document.


Home examination

Home examination
22 October at 09:00 to 25 October at 14:00

The exam paper will be published at Fronter and the KFL4040 website at October 22th at 9 AM and is to be handed in in Fronter in the Exam folder here at this page at October 25th before 2PM.

Please mark the exam paper with candidate number (is to be found at student web from October 22th, course code (KFL4040), name at the exam paper and date.

Remember to fill out the obligatory statement and put in the folder called obligatory statement.

Please contact hellepg@stk.uio.no if you have any problems!

Published Oct. 22, 2012 8:26 AM