Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
25.08.2010Jorunn ?kland/Roland Boer? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? Introduction. Feminism as theory and praxis? (texts: Moi and Rich)?
01.09.2010Torill Steinfeldt? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? The notion of change: Feminist theory from a distance? (texts: Bennett, Walters)?
08.09.2010Jorunn ?kland? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? Pre-enlightenment feminist theory? (texts: Pizan, de Gournay, Fell, Kelly)?
15.09.2010Torill Steinfeldt? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? Enlightenment feminist theory? (texts: Scott, Wollstonecraft, de Sta?l)?
22.09.2010Roland Boer? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? Materialist and Marxist feminist theory? (texts: Bebel, Mitchell, Luxemburg, Braidotti)?
29.09.2010Torill Steinfeldt? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? Liberal feminist theory. Feminism after Darwin? (texts: Davis, Nussbaum, Haslanger)?
13.10.2010Torill Steinfeldt? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? Existentialist feminist theory? (texts: Beauvoir, Daly)?
20.10.2010Roland Boer? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet? Postmodern feminist theory: psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, deconstruction? (texts: Irigaray, Irigaray, Kristeva, Butler, Butler, Butler, Sedgwick)?
27.10.2010Roland Boer? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet? The de-centering of the Western legacy in feminist theory. Postcolonial theory? (texts: Alcoff, Lourde, Mohanty, Spivak)?
03.11.2010Jorunn ?kland og Torill Steinfeldt? Wednesday 12:15 -15:00, Rom 125 Veglaboratoriet ? Postfeminism, backlash theory. Conclusion, summing up? (texts: Genz, Webb)?
Published July 7, 2010 11:01 AM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2010 2:15 PM