Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books that have to be purchased:

Titles marked with * are from books that have to be purchased that you can buy in the bookshop Akademika at Blindern.

*Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, 2008. Policy Press, Bristol.


To get access to the titles marked link, you must be logged in via the server of the University of Oslo.


The articles in the syllabus you will find in a compendium that you can buy in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern.

Reading list

Ahlberg, Jenny, Christine Roman and Simon Duncan 2008, "Actualizing the "Democratic Family"? Swedish Policy Rhetoric versus Family Practices", Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, p. 79-100. (22p) link.

Andersson, M?ns 2006, "Gendering animals. Representation, identification and demise of simplicity", NIKK magasin No 3, p. 12-15 (4p). link.

Bacchi, Carol 2010, "Poststructuralism, Discourse and Problematization: Implications for gender mainstreaming", Kvinder, k?n & forskning (4), p. 62-72.(11p).

Balkman, Dag, LeeAnn Iovanni and Keith Pringle 2009, ”A Reconsideration of Two ”Welfare Paradises”: Research and Policy Responses to Men’s Violence in Denmark and Sweden”, Men and Masculinities (12), p. 155 (15p) link.

Bergman, Solveig 1999, ”Women in New Social Movements” in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. ISBN: 82-00-12799-0. p. 98-120 (20p).

Borchorst, Anette and Birte Siim 2008, ”Women friendly policies and state feminisms: Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality”, Feminist Theory, 9 (2), p. 207 (15p). link.

*Borchorst, Anette 2008, "Women-friendly policy paradoxes? Childcare policies and gender equality visions in Scandinavia" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, Bristol: Policy Press. p. 27-43. (17p).

Bredal, Anja (2014) ?Ordinary v. Other Violence? Conseptualising Honour Based Violence in Scandinavian Public Policies” in Gill A.K., Strange C., Roberts K. (eds) ‘Honour’ Killing and Violence. Theory, Policy and Practice. Palgrave macmillan. 20 p. link

Bungum, Brita, Kvande, Elin 2013, The rise and fall of ‘cash for care’ in Norway:changes in the use of child-care policies. Nordic Journal of Social Research. vol. 4. p. 31-54 (23 p). link.

Christensen, Ann-Dorte and Nina C. Raaum 1999, "Models of political mobilisation" in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. p. 17-26. (10p)

Dahlerup, Drude 2011, "Women in Nordic politics – a continuing success story?” " in Kirsti Niskanen (ed.): Gender and Power in the Nordic Countries, NIKK publication 2011:1. p. 59-86, (23 p). link

Ellings?ter, Anne Lise 1999, "Women’s right to work: The interplay of state, market and women’s agency", NORA, 2-3 (7), p. 109-123. (15p). link.

Ericsson, Kjersti 1998, "Sexual harassment and the genderization of work" in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, London: UCL Press. p. 176-196. (21p).

*Fiig, Christina 2008, "A Scandinavian feminist public sphere: Discourses on feminism and gender equality" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia, Bristol: Policy Press. p. 199-214.(16p)

Gislason, Ingolfur V. 2012, "Introduction" in Gislason, Ingolfur V. and Gudny Bj?rk Eydal (eds.): Parental leave, childcare and gender equality in the Nordic countries, TemaNord, p. 13-30. (18p) link.

Hearn, Jeff, Marie Nordberg, Kjerstin Andersson, Dag Balkmar, Lucs Gottzén, Roger Klinth, Keith Pringle and Linn Sandberg 2012, ”Hegemonic Masculinity and Beyond: 40 Years of Research in Sweden”, Men and Masculinities,  15 (1), p. 31 (19p). link.

Husu, Liisa 2001, "Sexism, support and survival in academia: Finnish experiences", NIKK magasin 3, p. 8-10 (3p). link.

Korsvik, Trine Rogg 2011, "Childcare policy since the 1970s in the ‘most gender equal country in the world’: A field of controversy and grassroots activism", European Journal of Women's Studies, 18 (2). (19p). link (pdf).

Kvande, Elin 2002, "Doing Masculinities in Organizational Restructuring", NORA, 10 (1), p. 16-25. (10p). link.

Lahelma, Elina 2005, "School Grades And Other Resources: “The Failing Boys” Discourse Revisited", NORA, 13 (2), p. 78-89.(12p) link.

Langvasbr?ten, Trude  2008, "A Scandinavian Model? Gender Equality Discourses on Multiculturalism", Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 15 (1), p. 32-52 (21p). link.

Lister, Ruth 2009, ”A Nordic Nirvana? Gender, Citizenship, and Social Justice in the Nordic Welfare States”, Social Politics, 16 (2), p. 242-278 (36p). link (pdf).

Longva, Anh Nga 2003, "The Trouble with Difference: Gender, Ethnicity and Norwegian Social Democracy" in Grete, Brochmann, (ed.): The Multicultural Challenge Comparative Social Research 22, Elsevier Ltd. p. 153-175. (23p)

Lotherington, Ann Therese 2005, "Innovative Women and Gender-Power in Norwegian Regional Development Policy",  NORA, 13 (2), p. 101-114. (14 p) link.

Lützen, Karen 1998, "Gay and Lesbian Politics: Assimilation or Subversion: A Danish Perspective" in L?fstr?m, Jan (ed.): Scandinavian Homosexualities. Essays on Gay and Lesbian Studies, New York: Hayworth Press. p. 233-243 (11p) .

Magnusson, Eva 2001, "Psychology as Producer of Gender", NIKK magasin 3, p. 33-35. (3 p) link.

*Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg 2008, "A Nordic model of gender equality? Introduction" in *Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, Policy Press, Bristol. pp 1-26 (26 p)

Nadim, Marjan (2016) “Undermining the Male Breadwinner Ideal? Understandings of Women’s Paid Work among Second-Generation Immigrants in Norway”. Sociology Vol.50 (1) 109-124, Sage. 15 p. link

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum and Monica Rudberg 2000, "Gender, Love and Education in Three Generations. The Way Out and Up", The European Journal of Women’s Studies 7 (4), p. 423-453. (31 p) link.

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum 2004, "European Gender Lessons: Girls and boys at scout camps in Denmark, Portugal, Russia and Slovakia”, Childhood 11 (2), p. 207-226.(20 p) link.

Railo, Erkka 2014, ”Women’s Magazines, the Female Body, and Political Participation”, NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 22 (1), p. 48-62 (13 p). link.

Rydstr?m, Jens 2011, “Summary and conclusions” in Rydstr?m, Jens: Odd Couples. A History of Gay Marriage in Scandinavia, Amsterdam: Aksant,  s.167-177. notes 212. (10s)

Sainsbury, Diane 2001, “Gender and the Making of Welfare States: Norway and Sweden, Social Politics, 8 (1), (27p). link.

*Siim, Birte 2008, "Dilemmas of citizenship: tensions between gender equality and cultural diversity in the Danish welfare state" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, Policy Press, Bristol. p.149-166 (18 p).

Skjeie, Hege & Mari Teigen 2012, ”Duties to promote equality” in Freidenvall, Lenita and Michele Micheletti (eds.) Comparisons, Quotas and Critical Change: in honor of Drude Dahlerup, Stockholm Publisher: Department of Political Science, Stockholm University (12p) (hand-out in class).

Skjeie, Hege & Mari Teigen 2005, "Political Constructions of Gender Equality: Travelling Towards… a Gender Balanced Society", NORA 13 (3), p. 187-197.(11p) link.

Skjeie, Hege & Teigen, Mari (2017) The Nordic Gender Equality Model: Comparing Scores. 18 p. link

Teigen, Mari 2002, "The Universe of Gender Quotas", NIKK magasin 3, p. 4-8 (5p). link.

Teigen, Mari 2011, "Quotas in Corporate Boards" in Kirsti Niskanen (ed.): Gender and Power in the Nordic Countries, 2011, NIKK publication 2011:1.(24p) link.

*Wetterberg, Christina Carlsson and Kari Melby 2008, "The claim of economic citizenship: the concept of equality in a historical context" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, Bristol: Policy Press, p. 43-62 .(20p)

Widerberg, Karin 2000, "Harriet Holter: A Pioneer in Gender Studies and Sociology",  Acta Sociologica 43 (4), p. 413-420 (8p). link.

Aarseth, Helene 2007, "Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context", NORA 15 (2-3), p. 133-143. (21p) link (pdf).


For students at KFL4060: Is there a Nordic Feminism?Nordic feminist thought on culture and society

*Fehr, Drude von der et al.: Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press.

*Jonasdottir, Anna G. and Drude von der Fehr: Introduction: ambigiuos times - contested spaces in the politics, organization and identities of gender" pp 1-18 (19p)

*Wetterberg, Christina Carlsson: "Equal or different? That’s not the question. Women’s political strategies in a historical perspective" pp 21-40 (20p)

*Karlsson, Gunnel: "Social Democratic women’s coup in the Swedish parliament" pp 44-66 (23p)

*Sigurbjarnardottir, Sighurdur, Helga: ""On their own premises”: the political project of the Icelandic Women’s Alliance"pp 69-88 (20p)

*S?rensen, Anne Scott: "Taste, manners and attitudes – the bel esprit and literary salon in Scandinavia c. 1800" pp 121-145 (25p)

*Sj?rup, Karen: "The gender relation and professionalism in the postmodern world: social brotherhood and beyond" pp 217-242 (26p)

*Hein?maa, Sara, Martina Reuter: "Reflections on the rationality of emotions and feelings" pp 272-290 (19p)

*Ve, Hildur: “Rationality and identity in Norwegian feminism”pp 325-343 (19p)

*Rosenbeck, Bente: “Nordic women’s studies and gender research” pp 344-357 (13p)

Published Dec. 15, 2017 2:00 PM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2018 3:11 PM