(kj?pes p? Akademika bokhandel eller nettet, eller l?nes p? UiO biblioteket)
Ambj?rnsson, Fanny. 2016 (NB: 2. opplag). Vad ?r queer? Natur & Kultur Akademiska. (Kapitler: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; s. 18-139 = 120 s).
Haritaworn, Jin. 2015. Queer lovers and hateful others: Regenerating violent times and places. London: Pluto Press. Utvalgte kapitler: Intro, 1, 2, 3, epilog
(lenker til elektronisk artikkel gj?res tilgjengelig for nedlasting og printing; noen f? tekster lastes opp i Fronter som PDF)
Akin, Deniz. 2017. Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43(3): 458-474. (16 s)
Bracke, Sarah. 2012. From ‘saving women’ to ‘saving gays’: Rescue narratives and their dis/continuities. European Journal of Women’s Studies 19(2): 237-252. (15 s)
Engebretsen, Elisabeth L. 2017. Going public: Transnational Pride politics and queer grassroots activism in China. The Scholar and Feminist Online 16(2). (17 s)
Foucault, Michel. 1999 (1976). Seksualitetens historie I: Viljen til viten. Les: Forord av Espen Schaaning (s. 7-11) + Del I ?Vi viktorianere som er annerledes (s. 13-24) og del II ?Undertrykkelseshypotesen?. Tilgjengelig elektronisk fra Nasjonalbiblioteket (35 s)
Grewal, Inderpal and Caren Kaplan. 2001. Global identities: Theorizing the transnational study of sexuality, GLQ: Gay and Lesbian Quarterly 7(4): 663-679. (16 s)
Hellesund, Tone. 2008. Queering the spinsters: Single middle-class women in Norway, 1880-1920. Journal of Homosexuality 54(1-2): 21-48. (27 s)
Ingraham, Chrys. 1994. The heterosexual Imaginary: Feminist sociology and theories of gender. Sociological Theory 12(2): 203-219. (16 s)
Jackson, Stevi. 2006. Gender, sexuality and heterosexuality: The complexity (and limits) of heteronormativity. Feminist Theory 7(1): 105-121. (16 s)
Koyama, Emi. 2000. Whose feminism is it anyway? The unspoken racism of the trans inclusion debate. pdf (14 s)
Lindstad, Siri. 2010. Da homo-Norge gikk i svart. Lambda Nordica 1: 85-100 (25 s)
Mühleisen, Wenche, ?se R?thing, Stine H. Bang Svendsen. 2012. Norwegian sexualities: Assimilation and exclusion in Norwegian immigration policy. Sexualities 15(2): 139-155. (16 s)
Munro, Brenna og Gema Perez-Sanchez. 2017. Introduction: Thinking queer activism transnationally. The Scholar and Feminist Online 16(2).
Nissen, Nils Axel. 2000. Homoforskning/kj?nnsforskning: En tilblivelseshistorie. Tidsskrift for Kj?nnsforskning (3-4): 4-26. (21 s)
Rich, Adrienne. 1980. Compulsory heterosexuality and lesbian existence. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 5(4): 631-660. (29 s)
Rupp, Leila J., Verta Taylor, Eve Ilana Shapiro. 2010. Drag queens and drag kings: The difference gender makes. Sexualities 13(3): 275 – 294.
Sawicki, Jana. 2005. Queering Foucault and the subject of feminism. The Cambridge Companion to Foucault (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press. Red. Gary Gutter. Kap. 13, s. 379-400 (21 s)
Stryker, Susan og Paisley Currah. 2014. Introduction. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 1(1-2): 1-18. (17 s)
S?rlie, Anniken. 2016. Rettighetssubjekter i endring: Den f?dende mannen, i: Ingunn Ikdahl & Vibeke Blaker Strand (red.). Rettigheter i velferdsstaten. Begreper, trender, teorier. Gyldendal Juridisk; s 227 – 248 PDF (21)
Art of Cassie. 2015. Den stygge Andy. https://vimeo.com/142374348
Decolonize Queer. 2011. From gay pride to white pride? Why marching on East London is racist. (2 s)
Fan, Popo. 2015. Challenging authorities and building community culture: Independent queer film making in China and the China queer film festival tour, 2008-2012; i Engebretsen, & Schroeder, red. Queer/Tongzhi China. NIAS Press. (8 s) (PDF p? Fronter )
Gulliksen, Geir. 2011. Se min kjole. Samtiden. (8 s) http://samtiden.no/2011/01/13/se-min-kjole/
Hale, C. Jacob. 2006. Suggested rules for Non-transsexuals writing about transsexuals, transsexuality, transsexualism, or trans__. (1 s)
Hovda, Remi Johansen. 2015. Stories from a Geisha: Den stygge Andy. Information 4(2) (9) http://dx.doi.org/10.7577/information.v4i2.1547
Jord?en, Runar/Skeivt Arkiv. 2017. ?Beskyldt for at v?re tvetulling?: Kj?nnsoverskridende og likekj?nna seksualitet i norsk spr?khistorie. Melk (3):48-53 (6 s) (PDF p? Fronter)
McGlotten, Shaka. 2015. The political aesthetics of drag (inkl. film klipp). Metropolitics.eu
Moxnes, Halvor. 2003. Det begj?rende menneske. NRK kultur. Foredrag. https://www.nrk.no/kultur/det-begjaerende-menneske-1.1656059