
Pensum (merket med *) er b?ker som enten kan l?nes p? biblioteket eller kj?pes p? Akademika, Blindern.


*Alcoff, Linda og Elizabeth Potter (red). 1993: Feminist Epistemologies. London: Routledge.

*Benhabib, Seyla, et al. (red). 1995: Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange. New York: Routledge.




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  1. Velkommen; Introduksjon til undervisningsform; Introduksjon til emne og relevans (118 sider)

Bondevik, Hilde og Inga Bostad. 2003: ?Vitenskapsteoriens utvikling?, i Tenkepauser: Filosofi

og vitenskapsteori. Oslo: Akribe 2003. s. 259-325 (66 s)

Keller, Evelyn F. 1985: "Gender and Science" i Reflections on Gender and Science. New

Haven and London: Yale University Press. Kap. 4, s. 75-95 (20 s)

Haavind, Hanne. 2017 (1986): ?Kvinneforskning og vitenskapelige paradigmer?, i Tidsskrift

for Kj?nnsforskning 4(41): 232-239 (7 s)

Jaggar, Alison M. 1989: ?Love and knowledge: Emotion in feminist epistemology?, i

Inquiry 32(2): 151-176 (25 s)



  1. Kj?nn og feminisme p? det nye univeristetet (36+ sider)

Henningsen, Inge og Knut Liest?l. 2013: ?Likestilling i akademia – Er eksellense for menn og

Grand Challenges for kvinner??, i Tidsskrift for kj?nnsforskning 37(3-4): 348-361

(13 s)

Lund, Rebecca og Janne Tienari. 2019: ?Passion, care and eros in the gendered

neoliberal university?, i Organization  26(1): 98-121 (23 s)

O’Neill, Maggie. 2014: ?The Slow University: Work, Time and Well-Being?, in Forum

Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 15(3): Art. 14


  1. Tre hovedposisjoner innen tidlig feministisk viteskapsteori: 1) feministisk empirisme; 2) feministisk standpunkt; 3) feministisk postmodernisme (95 sider)


Haraway, Donna. 1987: ?A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology and Socialist

Feminism in the 1980s?, i Australian Feminist Studies 2(4): 1-42 (41 s)

*Harding, Sandra. 1993: ?Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What Is Stong Objectivity??, i

Alcoff, Linda og Elizabeth Potter (red.): Feminist Epistemologies. London: Routledge.

s. 49-83 (34 s)

*Longino, Helen. 1993: ?Subjects, Power and Knowledge: Description and Prescription in

Feminist Philosophies of Science?, i Alcoff, Linda og Elizabeth Potter, (red): Feminist

Epistemologies. London: Routledge. s. 101-120 (20 s)



  1. Feministisk empirisisme og feministisk postmodernisme (134 sider)

*Benhabib, Seyla, et al. 1995: Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange. New York:

Routledge. s. 1-74 (74 s)

Flax, Jane. 1987: ?Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory?, i Signs

12(4): 621-643 (22 s)

*Nelson, Lynn H. 1993: ?Epistemological Communities?, i Alcoff, Linda og Elizabeth Potter,

(red): Feminist Epistemologies. London: Routledge. s. 121-159 (38 s)





  1. Feministisk standpunkt (61 sider)

Collins, Patricia H. 2004 (1989): ?Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological

Significance of Black Feminist Thought?, i Harding (red.): The Feminist Standpoint

Theory Reader: Intellectual & Political Controversies. London: Routledge. s. 103-126

(23 s)

Hartsock, Nancy C.M. 2004 (1983): ?The Feminist Standpoint: Developing the Ground for

a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism?, i Harding, Sandra (red.): The Feminist

Standpoint Theory Reader: Intellectual & Political Controversies. London: Routledge.

s. 35-53 (18 s)

Smith, Dorothy E. 2005: ?Women?s Standpoint: Embodied Knowing versus the Ruling

Relations?, i Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology for People. Lanham: AltaMira

Press. s. 7-27 (20 s)  






(red.): Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics,

Methodology and Philosophy of Science. D. Reidel Publishing Company. s. 207-224

(20 s)


  1. ?kofeminisme (60 s)

Fairfax, Sally K. and Louise Fortman. 1990: ?American forestry professionalism in the

third world: Some preliminary observations?, in Population and Environment 11(4):

259-272 (13 s)

Plumwood, Val. 2000: ?Surviving a Crocodile Attack?, from the book The Ultimate

Journey. (6 s)

Plumwood, Val. 1993: ?Feminism and ecofeminism? and ?Conclusion: changing the

master story?, in Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. London: Routledge. s. 19-41,

  1. (28 s)

Salleh, Ariel. 2003: ?Ecofeminism as Sociology?, in Capitalism Nature Socialism 14(1):

61-74 (13 s)


  1. Postkolonialisme (131 s)


 Mohanty, Chandra T. 1984: ?Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial

Discourses?, in bourdary 2 12(3): 333-358 (25 s)

Santos, Boaventura de S. 2014: ?Toward an Epistemology of Blindness: Why the New

forms of ‘Ceremomnial Adequacy’ neither Regulate nor Emancipate?, i European

Journal of Social Theory 4(3): 251-279 (26 s)

Smith, Linda T. 1999: ?Introduction? and ?Responding to the Imperatives of an

Indigenous Agenda: A Case Study of Maori?, i Decolonizing Methodologies: Research

and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books.  s. 1-19, 163-182 (38 s)

Spivak, Gayatri C. 1988: ?Can the Subaltern Speak??, in C. Nelson and L. Grossberg

(red.): Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education.

s. 271-313 (42 s)


  1. Epistemiske privilegier og Standpunkt etter postmodernismen (72 sider)


Hirschman, Nancy J. 1998 ?Feminist Standpoint as Postmodern Strategy?, i Women &

Politics 18(3): 73-92 (19 s)

Lund, Rebecca og May-Linda Magnussen. 2019: ?Intersektionalitet,

virksomhedskundskab og styringsrelationer: Institutionel Etnografi og hverdagens

sociale organisering?, i Tidsskrift for Kj?nnsforskning 4(42): 268-283 (15 s)

Rolin, Kristina. 2016: ?Values, standpoints, and scientific/intellectual movements?, i

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 56, 11-19 (8 s)

Wylie, Alison. 2012: ?Feminist Philosophy of Science: Standpoint Matters?, i Proceedings

and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 86(2): 47-76 (30 s)


  1. Oppsummering av kursets hovedlinjer


Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer. University Park: Penn State University Press.

s. 231-258 (28 s)


Totalt: 707 sider

Publisert 21. nov. 2019 12:00 - Sist endret 4. mai 2020 08:24