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 KFL2010 Feministisk vitenskapsteori


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. . . it is necessary to clarify and elaborate the system of beliefs in which science acquires a gender – a system that amounts to a ”genderization” of science. Let me make clear at the outset that the issue that requires discussion is not, at least not simply, the relative absence of women in science . . . (Evelyn Fox Keller: Reflections on Gender and Science 1985, s. 76)

Forklar hvordan Evelyn Fox Keller bruker begrepet ”genderization” i sin vitenskapsteori, med bakgrunn i ovenst?ende sitat, og gj?r rede for minst en annen tekst fra pensum i feministisk vitenskapsteori som dr?fter det samme temaet, men p? en annen m?te.



The change I propose in terms of our understanding of the agents of epistemology will mean that studies of how knowledge is generated will begin from the histories, social relations, and practices of communities: from  the contexts and activities in and through which ontologies are developed, standards of evidence and methodologies are adopted, theories are constructed, and others are abandoned or excluded. (Lynn Hankinson Nelson: ”Epistemological Communities” i Linda Alcoff and Elizabeth Potter (eds.): Feminist Epistemologies 1993 s. 126)

Gj?r rede for Lynn Hankinson Nelsons teori om epistemologiske samfunn, med utgangspunkt i ovenst?ende sitat. Dr?ft teoriens bidrag og kritiser dens argumenter ved hjelp av en annen tekst p? pensum.

Publisert 9. jan. 2014 13:32 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2014 13:33