The software implements the following data processing:
Limit the speed of data
First and second order derivation
Removal of "hanging" data
Low-pass filtering
Scaling of incoming and outgoing data
Selection to control various types of MIDI messages: noteout, bendout, ctlout
Video tutorial
What platforms does the program run on?
- In principle it should run on all newer versions of OSX and Windows. It has been tested on the following platforms (please inform us of if you have had success on other platforms):
- OSX: 10.6
- Windows: XP SP3, Vista Enterprise SP2
Can you implement more features?
- We are always looking for ways to improve our software. Please contact us if you have any suggestions. We cannot promise to implement the feature, but we will consider it for the next release.
- Built with Max/MSP/Jitter by Cycling '74.
- Using the externals developed by Phidgets.