Software Resources

We have various software available specifically for the fourMs lab

UiO Software

Check out the Software center first for software. /english/services/it/computer/software/index.html

Some you can download onto both your UiO and personal computers. Others are a bit more specific. 

There are some unique software available like Autotext a speech to text program. 

Also check out the Digital Scholarship Center's list of Visualization tools here

fourMs Specific Software

Max 8

IMV has licenses for users which can be found here. If you don't have access talk to Kayla. 


You can get access by becoming a member of IEEE Collabratec (for free): Then you can connect to Overleaf from within the IEEE portal

Qualisys Track Manager (QTM)

Kayla can register you as a user. This gives you a local copy of QTM for your Windows machine if you would like. Additionally, you will get access to QAcademy training videos online. 


IMV has licenses for Reaper which can be found here. If you don't have access talk to Kayla. 


UiO already has a site license for Zotero, so if you register with your UiO e-mail address, you will get unlimited storage automatically. If you have already registered with another e-mail account, you can add your UiO e-mail as a secondary e-mail in the settings, and you will be "upgraded" directly. More info here


Published Sep. 20, 2023 12:46 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2023 12:46 PM