import serial import import zmq #from time import time import time import socket import sys import os import datetime from pythonosc import udp_client ip = '' port = 50020 path = 'C:/Users/presentation_01/recordings/' counter = 0 def check_pupil_capture(): """check pupil capture instance exists""" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if not sock.connect_ex((ip, port)): print('Found Pupil Capture') else: print ('Cannot find Pupil Capture') sys.exit() sock.close() def connect_pupil_capture(): """connect to pupil capture using zmq protocol""" context = zmq.Context() socket = zmq.Socket(context, zmq.REQ) socket.connect('tcp://' + ip + ':' + str(port)) socket.send_string('t') if not socket.recv(): print('Cannot connect to Pupil Capture') sys.exit() return socket def connect_mocap(): """ listen to motion capture server via arduino. Oneway trip time between computer and arduino is ~0.5ms """ # find arduino ports = [p.device for p in if 'USB Serial Device' in p.description] if not ports: print('Cannot find arduino. Check connection to computer') sys.exit() if len(ports) > 1: print('Multiple arduinos found. Remove redundant ones') sys.exit() ard = serial.Serial(ports[0], 500000) print('Found arduino') return ard def get_pupil_time(socket): t1 = time() socket.send_string('t') pct = socket.recv() t2 = time() oneway_dur = (t2-t1) / 2 return (float(pct.decode()) - oneway_dur) - 0.0005 def append_timestamp(start_stop, value): now = year = str(now.year) month = now.month day = if day >= 10: day = str(day) else: day = '0' + str(day) if month >= 10: month = str(month) else: month = '0' + str(month) date = year + '_' + month + '_' + day target = [name for name in os.listdir(path) if name == date] recordings = os.listdir(path + target[0]) current = max(recordings) currentPath = path + target[0] + '/' + current + '/' try: file = open(currentPath + 'Mocap_timestamps.txt', 'a+') file.write(start_stop + ': ' + value + '\n') file.close() except: file = open(currentPath + 'Mocap_timestamps.txt', 'w+') file.write(start_stop + ': ' + value + '\n') file.close() class Trigger: def __init__(self, socket): self.recording = False self.socket = socket print('Ready to start/stop mocap acquisition...') def start_trigger(self): if not self.recording: pct = get_pupil_time(self.socket) append_timestamp('start', str(pct)) print('Started mocap acquisition') print(pct) self.recording = True def stop_trigger(self): if self.recording: pct = get_pupil_time(self.socket) append_timestamp('stop', str(pct)) print('Stopped mocap acquisition') print(pct) self.recording = False activated = 0 startTime = 0 def main(): global counter global activated global startTime #check_pupil_capture() #socket = connect_pupil_capture() ard = connect_mocap() #trigger = Trigger(socket) startTime = time.time() #Client on qtm client_osc = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient("", 1111) try: while True: data = if data.decode() == 'h' and activated == 1: #trigger.start_trigger() #print("ok1") activated = 0 if data.decode() == 'l' and activated == 0 and ((time.time() - startTime) > 1.0): #trigger.stop_trigger() counter += 1 print("ok - " + str(counter)) activated = 1 print("time " + str(time.time() - startTime)) startTime = time.time() client_osc.send_message("t/record", "") except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print('User exited program') #socket.close() sys.exit() except Exception as err: print(err) #socket.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()