Soundsaber and QTM

The main reference for this project can be found here.

The complete project with modifications and additional patches can be downloaded here. (Also it can be found in the 'soundsaber' folder in the audio PC desktop)

How to start this demo

  1. Turn on Qualisys MoCap system (PC, cameras) and the audio system (PC, interfaces, speakers) as usual.
  2. Look in the room for the physical object that represents the saber as shown in the picture below. It must have three markers attached to its body. Leave it in the center of the room to check that is working with the MoCap system.

    soundsaber object


  3. Open the project 'S:\QTM Data\SpatialAudio' in QTM in the MoCap PC. Create a new measurement session for real-time capturing (CTRL+N). In the 3D view you should be able to see a rigid body called 'saber' that matches the marker set in the saber object in the room as depicted below.Soundsaber on QTM
  4. In the soundsaber folder placed in the Desktop from the audio PC, open the Max patch 'Demo.maxpat'. Open the sub-patch 'p your-3D-sensor-data-stream-here', you will see the following interface with instructions on how to connect with QTM to send position data from the MoCap PC to the Max patch demo. As the rigid body is already created, just continue with the connection guidance.Saber sensor data from QTM
  5. After ensuring that you can receive data from QTM, choose the 'soundsaber' sound in the drop-down list if it has 'no sound'.
  6. Verify that Max is sending out sound to the audio system and start to move the object. You should be able to use now the Soundsaber with an spatialized effect thanks to the speakers array in the room.


The solution presented in this document is a modification of the main project so that it can use an element tracked from QTM considering the motion capture in the lab and the spatial audio system.

The streaming data from the physical element comes from a rigid body in QTM called 'saber'. The streaming sub-patch 'p your-3D-sensor-data-stream-here' in the max patch 'Demo.maxpat' was filled with the corresponding streaming strategy. It uses the 'QTM2OScStreaming.maxpat' explained in the Audio Standard Experiments document. This sub-patch is shown below.


For the audio output, the sound source is directed to a spatial audio module as illustrated in the following image from 'Demo.maxpat'.

Saber spatializer Module

This spatializer is presented in the Spatial Audio Setup section from the Multi-Channel Audio document, and supports the 24-speakers' array configuration in the MoCap lab.


Published Aug. 2, 2022 10:51 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2022 11:51 AM