Audio Standard Experiments

You will find here templates and indications for common experiments related with audio that involve the combination of other technologies like motion capture. 

QTM to OSC Streaming

If you need to stream data from QTM to the audio PC, there is a max patch called 'QTM2OSCStreaming.maxpat' that implements a simple way to request and receive data from the MoCap system. It can be found in the audio PC at "Desktop/TEMPLATES/MAX TEMPLATES" or downloaded from here. A picture of the patch is shown below.

QTM to OSC Streaming patch

This patch is based on one of the modules found at You can fnd moe examples regrading streaming data in this repository or refer to QTM manual about OSC

QTM to Reaper Recording

A module for synchronizing a recording performed from QTM on Max can be found in the audio PC as 'QTM2ReaperRecord.maxpat' at "Desktop/TEMPLATES/MAX TEMPLATES" or downloaded from here. The image is attached below.

QTM to Reaper Recording max patc

It assumes that the input inlet is taking data from QTM, then it parses that data properly to send to Reaper for starting and stopping a recording through OSC messages. The session in Reaper has to be assembled properly for a recording (see Multi-channel audio section) and must accept OSC message through the port that is defined in the patch (7400 is the default). Verify that Reaper can receive messages on that port by going to 'Options -> Preferences -> Control/OSC/Web'. You should see the next similar window.

OSC config for reaper

If you select 'OSC: Max/Msp' and then click 'Edit' you can verify that the port is 7400, if not, change it and ensure that the same port is used from your other OSC endpoint (Max in this case) that is communicating with Reaper. If you do not find  'OSC: Max/Msp' (specially if you are not in the audio PC or for some reason is not there anymore), 'Add' another control surface in that same window. When you press 'Add' you should configure the 'control surface settings' for this new element as shown below. Additionally, you can test the communication in this same window.

OSC control surface on repaper

For the complete example check the next section about how to use this patch.

QTM to Reaper Recording Example

The two modules can be used as part of other patches if needed. For an actual example of a synchronized recording, we will use these two modules for the example called 'QTM2ReaperRecord-Example.maxpat' found in the audio PC at "Desktop/TEMPLATES/MAX TEMPLATES" or downloaded from here. As you can see in the image below, it just connects the two modules for the requested functionality.

QTM to Reaper recording example

This is reason for keeping these two modules separated, specially since the synchronized recording to Reaper can be part of a biggest patch that already includes streaming data from the MoCap machine that feeds other objects as the 'Random Sound Playback' module explained below.

Random Sound Playback

If you want to play several audio samples at random points in time while recording from the Qualysis MoCap, you can use a MAX patch called 'QTM2Max Random Sound Playback' that can be found in the audio PC at "Desktop/TEMPLATES/MAX TEMPLATES" or download a folder that contains the patch and testing files from here. The patch looks like the image below.

Max patch for random sound playback

Instructions on how to use it are found inside the patch as well as comments close to relevant objects. If the template in the audio PC is used, copy the folder to your personal location to make modifications.

Keep in mind that this setup works with the software QTM and is dependent on the MoCap system to collect the frame data. It must be change if you don not want this dependency since files will not save the data every time a sample is played.


Published July 29, 2022 9:38 AM - Last modified Aug. 1, 2022 11:28 AM