In the fourMs Lab, we work with advanced methods and equipment for both audio synthesis, recording, and analysis.
fourMs Lab Audio
The lab has 2 individual audio setups permanently installed the first being an interactive system between the lab and control room and the second, multichannel audio experience for both recording and playback.
Interactive System
The talkback system enables a two-way talk-back system between the control room and the lab. This setup uses the two speakers bracketing the TV wall to playback sound from the control room via input or a microphone cue. It also allows the lab ceiling microphones to broadcast sound into the videomixer for monitoring or use replacing the camera sound. These ceiling microphones run through a preamp before the sound is sent to the videomixer. The interactive sound setup combines the audio and video systems of the lab. For use instructions, refer to the component instructions below as well as printouts in the lab
Multi-Channel Audio
The bulk of the audio rack is dedicated to the multi-channel input and output system. The lab has a high-density speaker array (24-channel) that can be used for creating immersive audio experiences that can be used with other technology or alone in the study of multichannel audio experiences. This system is run from a the dedicated audio PC.
Multi-Channel Audio Instructions
Audio Standard Experiments
You will find here templates and indications for common experiments related with audio that involve the combination of other technologies like motion capture.
Audio Standard Experiments guide