Workshop on sound-producing body motion

This workshop is linked to our project on sound-producing body motion

The upcoming workshop will be a basically practical, hands-on type workshop that we believe will be very useful for our ongoing work here.  

We are much looking forward what we believe will be an informal but highly productive workshop, so hope to see you all there!


Tuesday November 24
10:15 Introduction: Challenges in studying sound-producing body motion
11:00 Drum set recording
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Drum set recording (continued)
14:15 Coffee
14:30 Project presentations by participants and discussion
17:00 End
18:00 Dinner

Wednesday November 25
10:15 Introduction to EMG
11:30 Piano recording
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Piano recording (continued)
14:15 Coffee
14:30 Processing methods
16:00 End of workshop

Relevant topics, e.g. the following:

·      Mocap for drum set and piano
·      Active markers for drum set
·      EMG for drum set and piano
·      Biomechanics
·      Effort
·      Rebound
·      Processing
·      Derivatives
·      Fluency, optimization, expertise
·      Representation
·      Downbeats
·      Key-postures
·      Coarticulation
·      Segmentation and chunking
·      Rhythmical features
·      Expressive features
·      Affective features
·      Classification
·      Database issues
·      Etc.

Published June 20, 2016 2:27 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2018 5:18 PM