Sonic Interaction Design Exhibition

In connection with NIME 2011, an exhibition on Sonic Interaction Design is curated in collaboration with the EU COST IC0601 Action on Sonic Interaction Design (SID). The exhibition will feature works using sonic interaction within arts, music and design as well as examples of sonification for research and artistic purposes.

Image may contain: Plant, Botany, Ceiling, Flower, Flowerpot.

The exhibition will take place at the Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine in Oslo, and will open on 29th May 2011. The call for works was very successful with more than 100 submissions. Twelve works have been selected (pending confirmations of technical and spatial detail).

The Exhibition is curated by Trond Lossius (BEK – Bergen Center for Electronic Arts, Norwegian SID delegate) and Frauke Behrendt (CoDE – The Cultures of the Digital Economy Institute, German SID delegate and chair of Work Group 3). The exhibition is produced by BEK in collaboration with the museum.

The exhibition is supported by The Norwegian Arts Council and the The COST IC0601 Action on Sonic Interaction Design. The exhibition is also part of the COST ‘Year of Visibility’ with generous support.

More information about the SID exhibition.

Published Oct. 10, 2020 9:26 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 3:04 PM