
Sunday 29 May, 18.00 Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine Opening concert, included in conference registration. Bus transportation leaves from Norwegian Academy of Music at 17:00.

Little Soldier Joe: ?yvind Brandtsegg and Carl Haakon Waadeland

Reactable: Carles López

Performance: Gerhard Eckel

LOLC: Akito van Troyer, Jason Freeman, Avinash Sastry, Sang Won Lee and Shannon Yao



Monday 30 May, 18.00 Oslo City Hall Reception, included in conference registration. We will travel together on the metro from the University Library at 17:15.

I-phone orchestra, all NIME 2011 participants. (App: Curtis Lite)



Monday 30 May, 20.00 Chateau Neuf Tickets: Free

Licht & Hiebe: Jacob Selle and Stefan Weinzierl (Venue: Lillesalen)

ROYGBIV: Joshua Clayton (Venue: Lillesalen)

With Winds (for soprano t-stick): Andrew Stewart (Venue: Biblioteket)

L’instant: Tom Mays (Venue: Biblioteket)

Dissonance: Victor Zappi and Dario Mazzanti (Venue: Klubbscenen / Betong)

All Hail the Dawn: Alexander Dupuis (Venue: Lillesalen)

Ural Power: Yoichi Nagashima (Venue: Lillesalen)

Television Sky: EP trio – Erika Donald, Ben Duinker and Eliot Britton (Venue: Biblioteket)

About Place: Michael Straus (Venue: Biblioteket)

Sonolume: Domenico Sciajno (Venue: Lillesalen)



Tuesday 31 May, 19.00 Norwegian Academy of Music Tickets: NOK 100 (regular) NOK 50 (students) at the door

Improvisation for piano + motion capture system: Sarah Nicolls and Nick Gillian

Socks and Ammo: M?stek – Lauren Sarah Hayes and Christos Michalakos

Body Jockey: Sarah Taylor, Maurizio Goina and Pietro Polotti

TURN ME! I need 12 Volts!: Kristin Norderval



Tuesday 31 May, 21.00 Chateau Neuf Tickets: Free

E=MCH: Paul Stapleton, Caroline Pugh, Adnan Marquez-Borbon and Cavan Fyans (Venue: Lillesalen)

REMI Sings: Christopher Alden  (Venue: Biblioteket)

Suspended Beginnings: Diemo Schwarz and Victoria Johnson (Venue: Biblioteket)

The Loop: Jason Dixon, Tom Davis, Jason Geistweidt and Alain B. Renaud (Venue: Klubbscenen)

The Shells: Alex Nowitz (Venue: Biblioteket)

BiLE (Birmingham Laptop Ensemble): Julien Guillamat, Charles Céleste Hutchins, Shelly Knotts, Norah Lorway, Jorge Garcia Moncada, Chris Tarren (Venue: Lillesalen)

Where Art Thou?: Dance Jockey: Yago de Quay and St?le Skogstad (Venue: Biblioteket) 



Wednesday 1 June, 19.00 Norwegian Academy of Music Tickets: NOK 100 (regular) NOK 50 (students) at the door

Trondheim Voices: Tone ?se, Siri Gj?re, Live Maria Roggen, Heidi Skjerve, Ingrid Lode, Kirsti Huke,  Anita Kaasb?ll, Silje R. Karlsen

Interstices AP: Bill Hsu and Alain Crevoisier

Flayed/Flock: Bill Hsu, H?vard Skaset, Guro Skumsnes Moe

L2Ork: Ivica Ico Bukvic (Director), John Elder, Hillary Guilliams, Bennett Layman, David Mudre, Steven Querry, Philip Seward, Andrew Street, Elizabeth Ullrich and Adam Wirdzek



Wednesday 1 June, 21.00 Chateau Neuf Tickets: Free

V’Oct(Ritual): Mark Bokowiec and Julie Wilson-Bokowiec  (Venue: Betong)

mikro:strukt: Satoshi Shiraishi and Alo Allik  (Venue: Betong)

Study No. 1 for Overtone Fiddle: Dan Overholt and Lars Grausgaard   (Venue: Klubbscenen)

Distributed Composition #1: Doug Van Nort, Pauline Oliveros and Jonas Braasch(Venue: Betong)

7-of-12 dialectologies: Daniel Schorno and Haraldur Karlsson (Venue: Betong)

TweetDreams: Luke Dahl and Carr Wilkerson (Venue: Klubbscenen)



Installations: Tickets: Free

ROOM#81: Nicolas d’Alessandro and Roberto Calderon (Foyer, Chateau Neuf)

BM 0.1: Leo Peschta (Georg Sverdrups Hus, University of Oslo)

ORFI: MusicalFieldsForever – Anders-Petter Andersson, Birgitta Cappelen, Fredrik Olofsson (University Library/Norwegian Academy of Music)



Information for performers

Please send all questions to

During the conference you may contact:

  • Kjell Tore Innervik (music chair): +47 907 70 237
  • Alison Bullock Aarsten (producer)
  • Knut Vik (head technician)



  • Producer: Alison Bullock Aarsten
  • Head technician: Knut Vik
  • Sound: Cato Lagnes, Tage Gerhardsen, Henrik Lethigangas, Knut Vik
  • Light: Sjur Brinck-johnsen, Steinar Alstermoen
  • Video recording: Terje Fjellvang
Published Oct. 10, 2020 3:12 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 3:00 PM