
The Art.on.Wires Media Festival is a laboratory, hacker space and meeting point for performing artists, creative media professionals and multimedia engineers. Under the main theme live, distributed and networked art we will explore concepts for remote presence and discuss ideas for merging distant realities into a local performance space

For five days, May 25-29, 2011 we will host workshops, keynote talks, networked performances, interactive installations and a media hacker lab at Chateu Neuf in Oslo and in parallel at live connected locations world-wide. This year’s Art.on.Wires Festival is organised in conjunction with the NIME’2011 conference. The festival will end the day before NIME starts on May 30 and NIME participants will be able to attend Art.on.Wires for a reduced fee.

At our main festival site in Betong we have access to a large club and performance space equipped with a 11 x 6.5 m stage and facilities to host an audience of several hundred people. The site is co-located with the Norwegian Music Academy in the town centre of Oslo and can be reached easily by public transport. For live video/audio/data streams from and to the festival site we will provide free Gigabit Internet access.

Image may contain: Font.The Art.on.Wires Media Festival is organized by the Art.on.Wires Society, Simula Research Laboratory and the University of Oslo.

Published Oct. 10, 2020 9:23 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 2:44 PM