Oslo Standstill Database

The Oslo Standstill Database contains motion capture data of people standing still for 5-10 minutes at a time.

Image may contain: Standing, Human, Organism, Font.

The datasets included in this database have been collected in several different research projects, and using three different experimental paradigms:

Championship of Standstill data

Image may contain: Event, Fashion, Leather.
Kristian Nymoen instructing participants in the 2012 Norwegian Championship of Standstill.

This is the largest dataset and contains head-marker motion capture data from around 70-100 participants for each edition. The task was to stand as still as possible in groups of people (3-11) in a competitive setting. There were slight variations each year, with different types of music being played to the participants.

Headphones-Speakers data

Person standing still in lab
The setup for the Headphones-Speakers experiment.

This dataset contains full-body motion capture data as well as physiological measurements for a total of 34 participants. The data was collected individually, and people were asked to stand and listen to different types of rhythms and rhythmic music with both headphones and speakers.

Sverm data

People standing still with marker on their head
Musicians and dancers exploring standstill with a motion capture marker tracking their micromotion.

This a longitudinal dataset and contains head-marker motion capture data for 2-5 people standing still multiple times over several years. The task differed slightly, looking at how sound, music, and various types of mental tasks would affect the standstill sessions.

The three datasets are different, but they are all focused on people standing still on the floor. They are recorded in the same lab and with (almost) the same equipment. Only anonymized motion capture data is made available.

The Data

Please find all the datasets below. We have tried to make the data as accessible as possible, but you will need to invest some time to get anything meaningful out of them. If you are only interested in getting a glimpse of what the data looks like, you should go to the web pages. They contain ready-made plots and descriptions. The Jupyter notebooks show how it is possible to analyse the data with Python. Even if you don't know Python, you may get something out of looking at the ready-made plots. We provide some Matlab code as well, but this is in general not as complete as the Jupyter Notebooks. The complete datasets are available from Physionet, where you can also find detailed descriptions of all the content. The datasets have also been deposited with the Norwegian Data Centre NSD.

Championship 2012 Web Stimuli Jupyter Matlab Physionet NSD
Championship 2015 Web Stimuli Jupyter Matlab Physionet NSD
Championship 2017 Web Stimuli Jupyter Matlab   NSD
Championship 2018 Web Stimuli Jupyter Matlab   NSD
Championship 2019 Web Stimuli Jupyter     NSD
Headphones-speakers Web Stimuli Jupyter Matlab   NSD
Sverm Web          


cc-byThe data is made available with a CC-BY license.

Cite the database

There are not yet any publications describing the database. You can cite the database like this:

  • Jensenius, A.R. (2020). Oslo Standstill Database. University of Oslo

Or you can find proper citations (with DOIs) to each of the archived datasets (from Physionet or NSD).


The datasets above have been used in several publications:

Published Nov. 29, 2020 10:39 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 12:29 PM