The first publication from the TIME participants is now available

The publication was presented by Associate Professor Kristian Nymoen at the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference in Espoo, Finland in July.

Bildet kan inneholde: Aqua, Turkis, Sirkel, Linje, Clipart.

The attack phase of sound events plays an important role in how sounds and music are perceived.

In this article, the authors evaluate the calculation of attack phase descriptors in the Timbre toolbox and the MIRtoolbox by comparing their predictions to empirical results from a listening test.

The results show that the default parameters in both toolboxes give inaccurate predictions for the sound stimuli in the experiment. They apply a grid search algorithm to obtain alternative parameter settings for these toolboxes that align their estimations with their empirical results.

You can access the article here



Kristian Nymoen, Anne Danielsen & Justin London (2017). Validating Attack Phase Descriptors Obtained by the Timbre Toolbox and MIRtoolbox, In Tapio Lokki; Jukka Pa?tynen & Vesa Va?lima?ki (ed.), Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference 2017.  Aalto University.  ISBN 978-952-60-3729-5, s 214 - 219

Published Aug. 28, 2017 1:31 PM - Last modified Jan. 22, 2025 2:03 PM