Research workshop on musical rhythm

Leading scholars on musical rhythm from music psychology, neuroscience, musicology and ethnomusicology present papers on the current status of research into rhythm and groove. International guests: Justin London, Rainer Polak, Peter Vuust, and Maria Witek.



0900 – 1030:Timing and Reference Structures

Rainer Polak (Cologne University of Music) et al.: How to empirically tell temporal reference structures from timing variations: Arguing “swing meter” in Malian drumming

Tellef Kvifte (Telemark University College): Precision in timing as an emergent property

Coffee break

1100 – 1230: Timing and Sound

Hans T. Zeiner-Henriksen (University of Oslo): Sound modulations and pulse perception

Anne Danielsen (University of Oslo): Investigating the perception of sound-timing relationships.


1330 – 1500: Rhythm and the Body I

Peter Vuust (Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus): Groove on the brain: rhythmic complexity and predictive coding

Maria Witek (Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus): Filling in: Syncopation, pleasure and distributed embodiment in groove

Coffee break

1530 – 1700: Rhythm and the Body II

Justin London (Carleton College): Speed on the dance floor: auditory and visual cues for musical tempo

Rolf Inge God?y (University of Oslo): Musical instants and coarticulation in rhythm




Anne Danielsen
Tags: Rhythm and Groove, Music and Movement, Music Cognition
Published Sep. 6, 2016 3:53 PM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2022 12:50 PM