The self-playing guitars will make a guest appearance at this year's Larvik Guitar Festival.
The Self-Playing Guitars were exhibited at the workshop: Embodied Perspectives on Musical AI (EmAI)!
The Self-Playing Guitars were exhibited at Skaperfestvialen 2022, at Oslo's main public library, Deichman Bj?rvika!
The Self-Playing Guitars in concert with Halden Electric for his protest concert at Forskernatt. Installation of the Self-Playing Guitars made by Sebastian Fongen Langslet.
Me & My Musical AI "Toddler", an improvisation piece for a guitarist, a coadaptive audiovisual instrument, and six self-playing guitars.
An installation of the Self-Playing Guitars by Sebastian Fongen Langslet, ?a?r? Erdem, and Alexander Refsum Jensenius.
An interactive art installation presented during the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2020.
A performance with the self-playing guitars and completion workshop for the AAAI project at Tampere Conservatory.
An interactive art installation at the Life science light event in the Botanical Garden. Self-playing guitars that entrain to each other and interact with people.
An interactive art installation at the Technology & Emotions conference 2017. Resonating guitars controlled by standstill.
An interactive art installation at the Norwegian music technology conference Musikkteknologidagene. Resonating guitars controlled by human standstill.
An interactive art installation at Researcher's Night 2017. Six guitars playing electronic dance music when you stand still.
An interactive art installation at the Ultima Contemporary Music Festival 2017. Resonating guitars controlled by standstill.