Online Courses

Through the RITPART project, RITMO develops three online courses focused on three of the core methods at the centre: motion capture, pupillometry, and electroencephalography.

People with laptops.

RITMO researchers employ several different methodologies and related methods and techniques. Each of the courses will provide a basic overview of the method's theoretical basis, followed by hands-on sessions inside and outside of the labs. The courses are developed for students and staff at RITMO and guest users of the labs. They are made freely available so that they can also be a useful resource for the community at large.

The courses are based on a combination of short videos, articles, quizzes, and tests. Completing the online course is mandatory to receive hands-on training and become a certified user of the RITMO labs.

Motion Capture

Motion capture systems track the position of the body in space over time.

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Image may contain: Musical instrument, Violin family, Musician, String instrument accessory, Guitar accessory.

Pupillometry is a method based on measuring the pupil size. It is performed with eye trackers that can also measure the point of gaze or eye motion.

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Researcher with EEG headset

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method to record electrical activity of the brain. The course is under preparation.


These online courses are developed by RITMO researchers, and the educational development and video production is carried out by LINK.


The online courses are inspired by the popular Music Moves free online course, which has been running on the FutureLearn platform since 2016.

While Music Moves is primarily meant as an introduction to the field of music-related body movement, the new online courses will be more specifically targeted at students and researchers that want to work with the specific methods in question.

Published Feb. 20, 2020 4:33 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 2:21 PM