MusicLab Brain: Inside the mind of a violinist

What happens in the brain of a violinist playing a piece? And when she only thinks about playing? And if she listens to herself play?

Image may contain: Entertainment, Performing arts, Event, Fun, Music venue.

Victoria Johnson

At this MusicLab event, we will investigate the brain activity of violinist Victoria Johnson while she plays a set of classical and contemporary pieces. 


Violinist performing
Victoria Johnson (Photo: Kolonihaven studio CF Wesenberg).

Victoria Johnson is a distinguished violinist recognized for integrating acoustic and electric violin with electronics and video. She studied violin in Oslo, Vienna, and London, and completed the artistic research project "Electric Violin in Digital Space" at the Norwegian Academy of Music. Her solo performances have been featured at notable festivals, including the Ultima Festival in Oslo, the London Ear Festival, and the Bergen International Festival. In 2012, she released her debut solo CD, "Suspended Beginnings," in collaboration with composer Diemo Schwarz. She teaches at the Barratt Due Institute of Music in Oslo and the Department of Musicology at the University of Oslo and is deeply engaged in contemporary and interdisciplinary music projects.


RITMO and The Science Library
Published Sep. 6, 2024 1:24 PM - Last modified Sep. 14, 2024 10:25 AM