Synaesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sense leads to involuntary experiences in another. MusicLab 8 is built around the synaesthesia of guitarist and artistic researcher Bj?rn Charles Dreyer. He sees colors when he plays music, and we will explore this phenomenon in a multimodal and interactive concert based on new technologies specifically developed in the context of the MIRAGE project at RITMO. Both synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes are welcome to the concert!
The event was streamed live on YouTube. Below is a recording of the stream. Please wear headphones during the concert part to get the surround sound effect (which is rendered in binaural audio).
Timezone: Oslo, Norway (CET).
- 17:00: Concert by Bj?rn Charles Dreyer (guitar and live electronics), Olivier Lartillot and Joni Wing-Yan Mok (visualization)
- 17:30 Intellectual warm-down and Q&A with Solveig Aasen, Bruno Laeng, Bj?rn Charles Dreyer, Joni Mok and Olivier Lartillot, moderated by Alexander Refsum Jensenius
- 18:00: Data Jockeying with Olivier Lartillot
- 18:30: End of program
Hosted by Alexander Refsum Jensenius and Solveig S?rb?.
Physical event
Feel free to join us in The Science Library foyer, in Vilhelm Bjerknes hus on the Blindern campus.

The concert is free and open to everyone. The audience will be asked to fill in a questionnaire to report on their experience with the concert. The collected data is anonymous and will be used for research purposes only. It is voluntary to participate.
Bj?rn Charles Dreyer - guitarist, composer, and artistic researcher
Olivier Lartillot - researcher, visualizer, panelist, data jockey (RITMO)
Solveig Aasen - panelist - philosophy (IFIKK)
Joni Wing-Yan Mok - researcher, visual designer, panelist (IMV)
Bruno Laeng - panelist - psychology (RITMO)
Solveig S?rb? - host and coordinator (UB)
Alexander Refsum Jensenius - host and panel moderator (RITMO)
Kayla Burnim - data steward and head engineer (RITMO)
Matthew Good - data management consultant (UB)
Rebecca J. F. Bergstr?m - legal consultant (UB)
Kyrre Traavik L?berg - streaming (UB)
Paul S?trang - video production (UB)
Pedro Lucas Bravo - sound engineering (IMV)
Mirna Porobic - production crew and camera operator
About MusicLab
Content: Each MusicLab event is organized around a concert in a public venue, which is also the study object. The events also contain an edutainment element through panel discussions with world-leading researchers and artists and "data jockeying" in the form of live data analysis of recorded data. More about MusicLab
For whom: MusicLab is relevant for students, researchers, musicians, dancers, artists, technicians, and others who sometimes marvel at the phenomena of music, physiology, and human motion.
Free: MusicLab is always free and open to everyone.
Streaming: All MusicLab events are streamed, and the recordings are stored for later dissemination and analysis.
Open Science / Open Research: MusicLab is an innovation project exploring Open Science / Open Research concepts in research, dissemination, and research-based education.
Data Protection: Read more about how we handle recordings and data from MusicLab.