Spring 2024: Readings in music-dance analysis

In the spring 2024 term, we offer a series of "journal club" events on the topic of music-dance relationships and analysis.

Image may contain: Wheel, Tire, Sky, Tree, Motor vehicle.

Djembe drum ensembe from Saguele (from left to right: Adama Keita, Seydou Keita, unknown, Moriba Traole) prepare for the trip to the neighboring village of Dogoro, where the local cultural association Djalabatigui will hold a festival (Saguele 2019; Photo: R. Polak).


Each event will be moderated by one or several members of the DjembeDance group. One paper is proposed as a basic reading for each session. Ideally, participants would read this in preparation. However, please don't shy away from attending in case you cannot make the reading; you may still profit from hearing the host's introduction to the paper and the respective discussion. Optional further readings are suggested. Everyone interested will receive a link to a folder with PDFs of all readings. Below is the preliminary programme; Scroll further down for a list of references.

Time and Place

  • Tuesdays, 10:15 - 11:45
  • RITMO round-table meeting room (HSH v217)

Preliminary programme

5 March

  • Host: Diego; Topic: Introduction to Dance Anthropology
  • Reading: Grau 2015; Further readings: views from
    • Evolutionary psychology: Brown 2022
    • Cognitive biology: Fitch 2016
    • Neuroscience: Foster Vander Elst et al. 2023

12 March

  • Host: Diego with Mari; Topic: Introduction to (Ethno)Choreomusicology
  • Reading: Mashino & Seye 2020; Further readings: perspectives from ballet studies (Jordan 2011, 2012; Damsholt 1999) and embodied music cognition (Haugen 2021) 

19 March

  • Host: Rainer; Case study: Music-Dance from Uganda
  • Reading: Nannyonga-Tamusuza 2015    

2 April

  • Host: Rainer(?); Case study: Music-Dance from Norway (pols)
  • Reading: M?land 2020

9 April

  • Host: Rainer with Diego; Case study: Music-Dance from Senegal
  • Reading: Seye 2014a: chapt. 3 (particularly chapt. 3.3, pp. 70-76); Further readings: Seye 2014b, 2020.

7 May

  • Host: Mari; Case study: Music-Dance from Norway (telespringar)
  • Reading: Haugen 2021

27 May

This week, we meet on Monday afternoon from 16.15!
  • Host: Rainer and Sagar; Topic: Embodied meter in dance
  • Reading: Toiviainen and Carlson 2022; Further readings: Toiviainen, Luck, & Thompson 2010; Burger et al. 2014

4 June    

  • Hosts: Rainer and Sagar with Diego and Mari; basic gesture analysis in Afro-diasporic dance 
  • Reading: Leman & Naveda 2010; Further Readings: Naveda & Leman 2009, 2010; Naveda et al. 2015, 2016; Martínez et al. 2016

List of References

  • Brown, S. (2022). Group dancing as the evolutionary origin of rhythmic entrainment in humans. New Ideas in Psychology
  • Burger, B., … & Toiviainen, P. (2014). Hunting for the beat in the body: On period and phase locking in music-induced movement. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
  • Damsholt, I. (1999). Choreomusical discourse: The relationship between music and dance. (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Copenhagen)
  • Fitch, W. T. (2016). Dance, Music, Meter and Groove: A Forgotten Partnership. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
  • Foster Vander Elst, Olivia, Nicholas H. Foster, Peter Vuust, Peter E. Keller, and Morten L. Kringelbach. 2023. “The Neuroscience of Dance: A Conceptual Framework and Systematic Review.” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 
  • Grau, A. (2015). Why people dance - evolution, sociality and dance. Dance, Movement & Spiritualities
  • Haugen, M. R. (2021). Investigating Music-Dance Relationships. Journal of Music Theory
  • Haugen, M. R., & God?y, R. I. (2014). Rhythmical Structures in Music and Body Movement in Samba Performance. Proceedings of the ICMPC-APSCOM 2014.
  • Jordan, S. (2000). Moving music: Dialogues with music in twentieth-century ballet. Dance Books. 
  • Jordan, S. (2011). Choreomusical Conversations: Facing a Double Challenge. Dance Research Journal.
  • Jordan, S. (2012). Moving “Choreomusically”: Between Theory and Practice. Les Cahiers De La Société Québécoise De Recherche En Musique
  • Leman, M., & Naveda, L. (2010). Basic Gestures as Spatiotemporal Reference Frames for Repetitive Dance/Music Patterns in Samba and Charleston. Music Perception
  • M?land, Siri (2020). Musical Dancers and Dancing Musicians, Who’s in Charge? Choreomusical Analysis of pols Performances in Haltdalen, Norway. The World of Music 
  • Martinez, Isabel C., Luiz Naveda, Javier Damesón, Romina Herrera, Alejandro Pereira Ghiena, and Manuel A. Ordás (2015). The individuality of metrical engagement: describing the individual differences of movements in response to musical meter. In 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research.
  • Mashino, A., & Seye, E. (2020). The Corporeality of Sound and Movement in Performance. The World of Music
  • Naveda, L., & Leman, M. (2009). A Cross-modal Heuristic for Periodic Pattern Analysis of Samba Music and Dance. Journal of New Music Research
  • Naveda, L., & Leman, M. (2010). The Spatiotemporal Representation of Dance and Music Gestures using Topological Gesture Analysis (TGA). Music Perception
  • Naveda, Luiz, Isabel C. Martínez, Javier Dámenson, Alejandro Pereira Ghiena, and Romina Herrera (2015). “Methods for the analysis of rhythmic and metrical responses to music in free movement trajectories.” 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research.
  • Naveda, Luiz, Isabel C. Martínez, Javier Damesón, Alejandro Pereira Ghiena, Romina Herrera, and Manuel A. Ordás  (2016). Musical Meter, Rhythm and the Moving Body: Designing Methods for the Analysis of Unconstrained Body Movements. In Music, Mind, and Embodiment: 11th International Symposium, CMMR 2015: Revised Selected Papers.
  • Nannyonga-Tamusuza, S. A. (2015). Music as Dance and Dance as Music: Interdependence and Dialogue in Baganda Baakisimba Performance. Yearbook for Traditional Music
  • Seye, E. (2014). Performative Participation: Embodiment of Identities and Relationships in Sabar Dance Events. Dance ethnography and global perspectives: Identity, embodiment, and culture.
  • Seye, E. (2014). Performing a tradition in music and dance: Embodiment and interaction in sabar dance events. Global Music Centre.
  • Seye, E. (2020). The Corporeal Dynamics of Choreomusical Interactions in sabar Dance Events. The World of Music
  • Toiviainen, P., & Carlson, E. (2022). Embodied Meter Revisited. Music Perception
  • Toiviainen, P., Luck, G., & Thompson, M. R. (2010). Embodied Meter: Hierarchical Eigenmodes in Music-Induced Movement. Music Perception
Published Mar. 1, 2024 12:41 PM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2024 2:05 PM