About the project
INTIMAL: Interfaces for Relational Listening – Body, Memory, Migration, Telematics, is envisioned as a long term sustainable modular system for interfaces for relational listening that incorporate customizable tools for ‘tuning’ in our contemporary sense of place, through telematic sonic performance artistic practice.
Taking as a case study the experience of Colombian migrant women in three cities of Europe: Oslo, London and Barcelona, INTIMAL will be informed by their listening experiences and tested as a catalyst in a process of healing and reconciliation within the context of Colombian post-conflict and peace building.
The research objectives are:
- To create an interactive retrieval system of oral archives, which combines semantic and prosodic forms, to facilitate the creative and relational listening to memories of place and conflict;
- To explore women's multivocal experience as it creates connections with the body and the feelings of loss associated with place and conflict;
- To develop interaction possibilities in the physical-virtual space as "dream space-networked state", that facilitates agency through improvisatory actions between performers, transforming narratives of the self, and the others, as expanded embodied vocal expressions.
The INTIMAL project culminated in a long-distance performance between Oslo, Barcelona and London in May 2019.
01.09.2017 - 31.08.2019
- Commission of Truth, memory and reconciliation of Colombian Women in Diaspora
- CRiSAP, Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice, LCC, University of the Arts London
- Fundació Phonos Cultura i Tecnologia Musical, University Pompeu Fabra
- IKLECTIK Art Lab, London
- The Center for Deep Listening, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute