Feature article in Titan: "Robots are now coming that learn like humans"?

Discussing prediction and machine learning with the university community.

T?nnes Nygaard med 'Dyret'

T?nnes Nygaard. Fotograf: Gunhild M. Haugnes/UiO. Lisens: CC BY 4.0

The EPEC group was recently featured in Titan, UiO's Science and Technology publication: "N? kommer robotene som l?rer som et menneske".

The article discusses T?nnes Nygaard's recent work with "Dyret", his four-legged robot, and introduces Charles Martin and Kai Olav Ellefsen, our two newest researchers.

We're looking forward to sharing more of our research with the university community!

Published Oct. 18, 2016 11:50 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 1:35 PM