DyRET: Dynamic Robot for Embodied Testing

DyRET is a quadruped robot platform designed for experiments in embodied and real-world evolutionary computing. It has legs that extend in two places so that the body-shape of the robot can be changed automatically.

A robot outside with a lage building behind. Photo.

DyRET at the University of Oslo Department of Informatics. Credit: T?nnes Nygaard

Experiments with DyRET

DyRET is primarily used for experiments in evolution of walking gaits for a quadruped robot. In our experiments the gait movement is evolved simultaneously with the leg-length of the robot. We have found that in different environments, optimising both gait and leg-length is crucial to find a balance between speed and stability.


  • T?nnes F. Nygaard, Charles P. Martin, Eivind Samuelsen, Jim Torresen, Kyrre Glette. Real-World Evolution Adapts Robot Morphology and Control to Hardware Limitations. In GECCO18 (ACM), 2018. arXiv:180503388
  • T?nnes F. Nygaard, Charles P. Martin, Jim Torresen, Kyrre Glette. Exploring Mechanically Self-Reconfiguring Robots for Autonomous Design. In Workshop on Autonomous Robot Design at ICRA18, 2018. arXiv:1805.02965
  • T?nnes F. Nygaard, Jim Torresen, Kyrre Glette. Multi-objective Evolution of Fast and Stable Gaits on a Physical Quadruped Robotic Platform. In SSCI (IEEE), 2016. DOI: 10.1109/SSCI.2016.7850167


  • T?nnes F. Nygaard, Charles P. Martin, Jim T?rresen, Kyrre Glette. Self-Modifying Morphology Experiments with DyRET: Dynamic Robot for Embodied Testing. arXiv:180305629

Design Iterations

Five photos of a robot in different designs. Photos in a collage.
DyRET design iterations from 2015 to 2018.


By T?nnes Nygaard, Charles Martin, Kyrre Glette, Jim T?rresen
Published Apr. 27, 2018 11:55 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 1:34 PM