Vinicius Rezende Carvalho

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Room V01-03
Visiting address 澳门葡京手机版app下载sv 3A Harald Schjelderups hus
Postal address Postboks 1133 Blindern 0318 Oslo

Current research

My current postdoc project investigates the neurophysiological basis of auditory predictive coding in humans in the context of the AudioPred Project. I aim to explore how expectancy and surprise shape our perception, and what might be the neuronal coding and dynamics principles underlying this. For this, I analyze intracranial EEG local field potentials and single-unit recordings during tasks that involve streams of sounds that alternate between expected and unexpected stimuli with different deviating features. This allows us to investigate if there are specific neurons coding for expectancy and violated expectations, and what is the role of rhythms in enabling the communication of different streams of information that underlie perceptual inference processes. I am also involved in projects that investigate cognitive maps, or how latent representations of abstract auditory spaces are encoded across the hippocampal formation at the single-neuron and population level.

Academic interests

  • Predictive coding
  • Cognitive maps
  • Brain Rhythms
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Epilepsy
  • Nonlinear dynamics


I have a Bachelor's degree in Control Engineering, and MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) - Belo Horizonte, Brazil. My previous works involved the use of probing stimuli to investigate abnormal neuronal activity in epilepsy. This included the use of steady-state auditory responses in a rat strain susceptible to seizures (Wistar audiogenic rat), and later with epilepsy patients with depth electrode implants for presurgical clinical evaluation. Using a seizure-generating computational model, I also aimed to evaluate the use of stimulation for revealing early-warning signs that may help predict the occurrence of epileptic seizures. In other projects, I use delay differential analysis (DDA), a framework based on delay embedding theory, for speech decoding and investigating seizure dynamics.


  • 2020 Society for Neuroscience Latin American Training Program fellow


  • 2024 Neuromatch Academy NeuroAI course
  • 2021 Neuromatch Academy Computational Neuroscience - Project Teaching Assistant
  • 2019 Visiting scholar program by Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES-BR) at Massachusetts General Hospital 
  • 2018 VII Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience (LASCON), S?o Paulo, Brazil


  • Prof. Eduardo Mazoni Andrade Mar?al Mendes - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
  • Prof. Márcio Flávio Dutra Moraes - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
  • Dr. Flávio Afonso Gon?alves Mour?o - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
  • Dr. Claudia Lainscsek - Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA
  • Dr. Lindy Comstock - University of California, Los Angeles
  • Dr. Sydney S Cash - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Tags: intracranial EEG, predictive coding, Cognitive neuroscience, auditory processing, epilepsy, spike sorting, single-neuron, computational neuroscience, nonlinear systems, AI, cognitive maps, Brazil


View all works in Cristin

  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius (2024). Human Single-Neuron Recordings and Cognitive Maps: Exploring the Structured Organization of Knowledge in the Auditory Domain.
  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius (2024). Human Single-Neuron Recordings and Cognitive Maps.
  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius (2024). Da trajetória acadêmica à experiência no exterior (From academic trajectory to experience abroad).
  • Volehaugen, Vegard Akselsson; Leske, Sabine Liliana; Funderud, Ingerid; Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius; Endestad, Tor & Solbakk, Anne-Kristin [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2024). Unheard Surprises: Attention-Dependent Neocortical Dynamics Following Unexpected Omissions Revealed by Intracranial EEG.
  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius; Collavini, Santiago; Kochen, Silvia; Solbakk, Anne-Kristin & Blenkmann, Alejandro Omar (2024). Human single-neuron responses to a local-global oddball paradigm.
  • Blenkmann, Alejandro Omar; Volehaugen, Vegard Akselsson; Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius; Leske, Sabine Liliana; Llorens, Anais & Funderud, Ingrid [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2024). An intracranial EEG study on auditory deviance detection.
  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius; Collavini, Santiago; Kochen, Silvia; Solbakk, Anne-Kristin & Blenkmann, Alejandro Omar (2024). Single-neuron responses to a multifeature oddball paradigm.
  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius; Mendes, Eduardo Mazoni; Cash, Sydney & Moraes, Márcio (2023). Auditory steady-state responses with stereoelectroencephalography: distribution and relation to seizure onset zone.
  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius; Collavini, Santiago; Kochen, Silvia; Solbakk, Anne-Kristin & Blenkmann, Alejandro Omar (2023). Single-neuron responses to a multifeature oddball paradigm.
  • Rezende Carvalho, Vinicius (2022). Investigating seizure dynamics with delay differential analysis and neural mass models.

View all works in Cristin

Published Sep. 15, 2022 12:18 PM - Last modified Dec. 2, 2024 5:35 PM