Sandra Solli

Image of Sandra Solli
Norwegian version of this page
Mobile phone +47 452 55 323
Room V01-03
Visiting address 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 3A Harald Schjeldrups hus 0373 Oslo

Academic interests

  • Temporal prediction
  • Perception of rhythm
  • Neural entrainment

Current project

My PhD project is a part of the research project The neural basis of temporal prediction. My aim is to understand the neural mechanisms underlying auditory temporal prediction and rhythm perception. I am studying these mechanisms by combining EEG and behavioral experiments.

In my ongoing project, I am exploring the role of periodicity in rhythm processing. My goal is to determine whether the neural mechanisms involved in temporal expectations based on aperiodic rhythms differ from those associated with periodic rhythms.


  • MSc in Engineering Acoustics, Technical University of Denmark
    Master's thesis: Auditory frequency tagging for attention controlled brain-computer interface
  • BSc in Cognitive Psychology, University of Oslo
  • BSc in Musicology and Music Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Tags: Music Cognition, Cognitive Psychology, cognitive neuroscience, Music Technology, Psychoacoustics, Acoustics
Published Sep. 12, 2019 2:22 PM - Last modified Mar. 21, 2024 1:33 PM