Bj?rn Thor Jónsson

Image of Bj?rn Thor Jónsson
Norwegian version of this page
Mobile phone +354 691 4290
Room Red room
Visiting address 澳门葡京手机版app下载sv. 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1133 Blindern 0318 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Student)

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Academic interests

Investigating ways to facilitate unbounded discovery of interesting sounds, to supply more sonic material than one can ask for. Curious to know if sounds discovered beyond the boundaries of prompting generative models, trained on existing data, can lead to creations that would otherwise not be conceived. Exploring the application of quality diversity algorithms as a foundation of a sound innovation engine. Looking into methods for the search and discovery of diverse patterns. Pondering how those patterns can be applied to the generation of sound and rhythm. Considering what modes of interaction with the sounds are well suited to open up possibilities for creative discoveries.


Evolution runs explorer introduction: opening up access to current results from the application of quality diversity search algorithms to the discovery of synthesised sounds.




Tags: audio synthesis, evolutionary algorithms, audio signal flow, quality diversity search, compositional pattern producing networks, nime, nise


  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thor; Erdem, Cagri & Glette, Kyrre (2024). A System for Sonic Explorations With Evolutionary Algorithms. Journal of The Audio Engineering Society. ISSN 1549-4950. 72(4), p. 257–266. doi: 10.17743/jaes.2022.0137.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thor; Erdem, Cagri; Fasciani, Stefano & Glette, Kyrre (2024). Towards Sound Innovation Engines Using Pattern-Producing Networks and Audio Graphs. In Johnson, Colin; Rebelo, Sérgio M. & Santos, Iria (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design. Springer Nature. ISSN 9783031569920. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-56992-0_14. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór (2024). Phytobenthos 1.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór; Erdem, Cagri; Fasciani, Stefano & Glette, Kyrre (2024). Cultivating Open-Earedness with Sound Objects discovered by Open-Ended Evolutionary Systems.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór; Erdem, ?a?ri; Fasciani, Stefano & Glette, Kyrre (2024). Towards Sound Innovation Engines Using Pattern-Producing Networks and Audio Graphs.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór (2023). Live Rendering and -Coding Evolved Sounds.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór (2023). Jukebox with research data.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór (2023). kromosynth CLI.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór (2023). kromosynth.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór (2023). Live Streams From Evolutionary Search for Sounds.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thor (2022). Embodiment of audio evolution.
  • Jónsson, Bj?rn Thór; Hoover, Amy K. & Risi, Sebastian (2015). Interactively Evolving Compositional Sound Synthesis Networks.

View all works in Cristin

Published Sep. 15, 2022 12:24 PM - Last modified May 14, 2024 3:39 PM