Information for presenters

Talk duration

Talks are allotted 13 minutes and grouped into 4 sessions (see the programme for the details). Presenters can choose to speak for the full 13 minutes or to reserve 2–3 minutes for quick questions. The audience will be asked to save longer questions for the moderated panel discussion that will take place at the end of each session. All presenters from the session are invited to participate in the panel discussion. 

Remote presentations

Remote presentations will be given live via Zoom. Remote presenters can test their presentations via Zoom on September 10th anytime from 09:00 to 10:00. A Zoom link will be emailed by August 24th for testing and remote presentations. Please contact us if you have registered for virtual attendance and have not received a link by August 24th.

On-site presentations

On-site attendees may present using their own computer or the workshop (Windows) computer. If you want to use the workshop computer, please bring us your presentation on a flash drive during the break before your session at the latest. On-site presenters are welcome to test their presentations beforehand.

Published Aug. 21, 2024 2:28 PM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2024 12:04 PM