Bilge Serdar G?ksülük

Pre-workshop hands-on: From Bodily Interactions to Embodied Concepts

Image may contain: Cheek, Smile, Neck, Sleeve, Dress shirt.

During these two days' workshop series, embodied theories and their implications in musical AI will be discussed from various angles. This practical pre-session is an invitation to play with ‘embodied concepts.’ This hands-on session aims to emphasize the bodily basis of our interaction process with other agents and our environment as we move and tends to emphasize the bodily roots of those theories from a first-person perspective. Participants will work on their bodies individually and in small groups with instructions. As participants try to complete the given movement-based practical tasks, they will be invited to reflect on their bodily experiences. The hands-on sessions will be followed up by practice-based discussions, which will be shaped around those questions:  

  • How do we embody information (or knowledge)?  

  • How do related concepts of embodied theories such as autonomy, performativity, attention, intention, or intuition appear in the execution of bodily tasks?  

  • To what extent and how can our bodily experience contribute to our research? 


The Number of Participants: max. 16 (pre-registration is required) 

Sign up for the hands-on session

Duration: 2 hours 

Published Oct. 27, 2022 3:16 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2022 2:47 PM