Thematic Workshop: The Experience of Time and the "Now"

RITMO members and guests present the first installment of a new Thematic Workshop series, on the subject of 'the experience of time and the "now”'. The workshop is organised by the Interaction & Pleasure research cluster at RITMO.

Lightening structures and a clock.
Photo: Willem Douven

The concept behind the Thematic Workshops is to take a word or concept that many of us use in sometimes quite different ways, and to unpack what that word means within different disciplinary contexts. For our first installment we have eleven 10-minute presentations, followed by an open discussion during which we will consider, among other things, possible points of transdisciplinary connection.


12:00 Brief introduction

Jonna Vuoskoski and Chris Stover

  Performance science Laura Bishop
  Parody theory Ragnhild Br?vig-Hanssen
  Groove studies Anne Danielsen
  Enactivist cognition Rolf Inge God?y
  Musical form Erling Guldbrandsen
  Action-performance, absorption, flow Henrik Herrebr?den
13:10 Break  
13:25 Husserlian phenomenology Simon H?ffding
  Techno-cognitive perspectives Alexander Refsum Jensenius
  Psychology of temporal perception Bruno Laeng
  Queer theory Gavin Lee (Soochow University)
  Process philosophy Chris Stover
14:15 Break  
14:30 Discussion  
15:00 Finished  

Workshop conveners:

Chris Stover is a Research Fellow in Music, Time and Consciousness at RITMO and Senior Lecturer in Music Studies and Research at Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University. He is co-editor of Rancière and Music (EUP, 2020) and has published articles in Music Theory Spectrum, Perspectives of New Music, Music Theory Online, Analytical Approaches to World Music, Media and Culture, The Open Space Magazine and elsewhere. He is also a busy trombonist and composer.

Jonna Vuoskoski is an Associate Professor in Music Cognition at the University of Oslo, Norway, and part of the leader group at the RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time, and Motion. She also leads the Interaction & Pleasure research cluster at RITMO. Her main areas of interest are music-induced emotion, empathy, and the social and embodied cognition of music. Currently she is working on a project investigating the role of entrainment in the pro-social effects of music-listening.

Published May 27, 2020 1:20 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 1:22 PM