Absorption in Schizophrenia, Music and Mystical Experience

Absorption is a mental feature characterizing our ability to be present to ourselves, to others and to the world around us. Its precise nature, however, is under-explored. On the one hand, it has properties of effortful concentration and on the other hand, effortless flow.

This international workshop will bring together music scholars, philosophers, and psychopathologists to better understand this human feature.


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Music is a medium that both as performed and as listened to can guide, strengthen, and expand our absorption. Expert musicians undergo intense and life-changing experiences of absorption in which the fundamental structures of consciousness are temporarily altered.

Contrarily, schizophrenia can be regarded a pathology of absorption. Here, immersion in common sense – structuring large parts of our social life – is experienced with a “lack of natural self-evidence”, leading to an overthinking or “hyper-reflection”, rather than an immediate absorption into these relations. If musical absorption is characterized by a strong and steady sense of time, schizophrenic experience is dominated by fragmentation and a lack of grounded connectivity.

This conference brings together internationally outstanding experts to explore:

I. What the study of musical absorption might bring to the understanding of schizophrenia.

II. How the pathology of schizophrenia might cast new light on the absorption made possible by musical experience.





Program - Monday October 21st 

09:00-09:30 Introduction Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus

Joel Krueger: Dynamics and disturbances of scaffolded emotion regulation in musical absorption and schizophrenia

Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus

Alessandro Salice: Shared Emotions and the Sense of Us: The case of the Hanagasa Matsuri.

Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus
11:30-11:45 Coffee break Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus

Genki Uemura: Getting to grips with skillful coping

Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus


Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus
14:00-15:00 Tamara Turner: How do we think about ‘Absorption’ and ‘Dissociation’ Across Culture?: Considering Taxonomies of Trance in Sufi Music Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus
15:00-16:00 Simon H?ffding: At a distance from myself – on the phenomenology of hyper reflection and ex-static musical absorption Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus
16:00-16:15 Coffee break Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus
16:15-16:45 Nanette Nielsen: Summing up perspectives Hanna Ryggen Room (10th floor), Lucy Smiths Hus
Time What Place
Program - Tuesday October 22

Tor Gunnar V?rn?s: ?…As if I’m not experiencing the things I see? - Anomalies of self-experience and absorption in schizophrenia and depersonalization disorder

Seminar room C (3rd floor), Ole-Johan Dahls hus

Mads Gram Henriksen: Mysticism and Schizophrenia

Seminar room C (3rd floor), Ole-Johan Dahls hus
12:00-13:15 Lunch  
13:15-14:15 Borut ?kodlar: Absorption in Psychotic and Mystical Experience Seminar room C (3rd floor), Ole-Johan Dahls hus
14:15-14:45 Joint discussion and conclusion  


Published Sep. 16, 2019 10:18 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2024 1:22 PM