Food & Paper: Impedance Control: Introducing a Learning Model for Drumming, Focusing on Double Stroke Rolls (Mojtaba Karbasi)

This week's Food & Paper will be given by Mojtaba Karbasi on drum robotics.

Mojtaba Karbasi


Impedance control is an approach to model manipulation by considering mechanics of interaction between physical systems. Drumming is an example of a motor task that has such physical interactions that should be conducted precisely in order to achieve the desired performance. We have used Impedance control approach for studying drumming as an interactive motor task and tried to introduce a learning method for performing double stroke drum rolls with a robot arm. The study proposes an algorithm for a drum robot to learn to play double stroke rolls using sound-based features.


Mojtaba Karbasi is a PhD fellow at RITMO. His research focuses on rhythmic robots and learning models for musical movements. He is currently working on a drum robot arm that would be able to learn drumming tasks by interaction. He has a background in electrical engineering and control systems. He has also research experience working on human motor control and rehabilitation robots.


Published Jan. 25, 2021 1:52 PM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2021 1:52 PM