Food & Paper: Video Visualization (Jensenius)

Videos are visual to start with, but they can be easier to understand if they are visualized. In this talk Alexander Refsum Jensenius will present some of his tools for creating alternative visualizations of video files.


Screenshot of VideoAnalysis, a simple tool for creating different types of visualizations of video files.

While motion capture provides for very accurate and precise analysis of human body motion, video recordings are more flexible and unobtrusive. Organizing and analyzing video files, however, can be difficult, particularly if there are many (long) recordings. In this presentation, Alexander Refsum Jensenius will present some of his experimentation with different types of video visualization techniques: motion videos, motiongrams, motion history images, keyframe images, pixel array images. He will also give an overview of the current state of software developed for creating such visualizations, including VideoAnalysis and the Musical Gestures Toolbox for  Max, Matlab and Python.


Alexander Refsum Jensenius is a music researcher and research musician. His research focuses on why music makes us move, which he explores through empirical studies using different types of motion sensing technologies. He also uses the analytic knowledge and tools in the creation of new music, with both traditional and very untraditional instruments.

Alexander Refsum Jensenius

Tags: video, motion, music
Published Mar. 22, 2020 3:00 PM - Last modified Oct. 22, 2020 1:41 PM