Floating Pointers - Duo Rotk?ppchen

Floating Pointers, a multimedia project for dancer, electronic music and video by Alisa Kobzar (composition) and Lisa McGuire (dance), takes inspiration from the concept of ‘pointers’ in computer science, where digital objects store memory addresses.


In a fusion of human-computer interaction and collaborative creation, movement points to the music, the music points to the image, creating a multidirectional interaction. The act of ‘pointing’ is connected to Ukrainian folksongs as cultural artifacts and a source of poetic memory. The dancer assumes the role of a data-center operator, nurturing and sorting the cultural artifacts and their fragments across auditory layers. Sound objects assume a pivotal role: the heavily processed folksongs undergo digital manipulation, giving rise to new textures and abstract constructs. The composition thus evokes memories and associations while traversing between recognisable soundscapes and enigmatic sound.

The concert marks the end of Kobzar and McGuires residency at RITMO. Visitors will have the chance to visit the centre and become acquainted with its research and the advanced multimedia environment fourMs Lab, where the concert takes place.

Published June 27, 2023 9:15 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2023 11:16 PM