Research outline - template for PhD and Postdoctoral applications to RITMO

This document presents a template for how to write a research outline for PhD or Postdoctoral applications affiliated with RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion.  

All research outlines must be based on this template. The research outline must not exceed 9,000 characters (including spaces). Applications exceeding the limitations will not be considered.

Title of the Project


Short summary of the proposed project (max.100 words) including main objective, research questions, methods, and relevance to the research at RITMO.

Research outline:

1) Background and theoretical framework

(Outline the theoretical foundation of your proposed research and why you have chosen this particular foundation.)

2) Main objective, research question(s) and hypothesis (if applicable)

(Present the objectives, questions and expected findings of the proposed project. Explain how your research will be relevant for RITMO.)

3) Method

(Describe the methodological approach(es) of the project, and your experience with these methods. Explain potential research-ethical problems. )

4) Progress plan

(Briefly outline how you intend to organise your doctoral/postdoctoral work over the six semesters of the fellowship. This should include longer research periods outside the University of Oslo (such as fieldwork). We do not expect you to know about individual courses, seminars, etc. that will be included in the training component for the PhD degree.)

It is up to you to decide how the 9000 characters are distributed among the different sections of the research proposal.

In addition, your research outline may also include:

  • Literature references (max 2,000 characters)
    (The reference list must be sorted alphabetically by author.)

Word count

To count the number of characters in a text in MS Word, go to Review, and select Word Count. 9,000 characters with spaces is approximately three pages of text written in Times, 12-point type, with one and a half line spacing.


The research outline should be uploaded in the electronic application form for the specific position. Upload the proposal as a PDF file.

Published Nov. 14, 2017 8:35 AM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2024 9:44 AM