RITMO is an interdisciplinary research centre and is organized "horizontally" within the University of Oslo, overlapping with the Departments of Psychology, Informatics, and Musicology. All RITMO researchers are therefore also affiliated with one (or more) of the three departments.
Research organisation
Within RITMO, the researchers are organised in four research clusters.
Within these research clusters are interdisciplinary research projects each focusing on a different aspect of rhythm.
Centre management

RITMO's board

Dean of Research, the Faculty of Humanities

Head of Department - Department of Musicology, University of Oslo

Head of Department - Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
Head of Department - Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
Scientific Advisory Board
The members of RITMO's Scientific Advisory Board are highly acclaimed researchers within their respective fields. The Board is vital to providing feedback on on-going and future research, and its members have been carefully chosen to support the different parts of RITMO.