Gornitzka, ?se; Benner, Mats & Haugen, Heidi ?stb?
Universitetenes rolle i et moderne kunnskapsdemokrati .
Hansen, Mette Halskov & Gornitzka, ?se
澳门葡京手机版app下载s澳门葡京手机版app下载 p? tvers av politiske systemer og akademiske kulturer: Europa og Kina.
I Graver, Hans Petter; Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth & Havelin, Gro (Red.),
Hvor g?r demokratiet?.
Dreyer Forlag A/S.
ISSN 9788282656702.
s. 107–129.
Aryeetey, Ernest; Engebretsen, Eivind; Gornitzka, ?se; Maassen, Peter & St?len, Svein
Vaccine inequities expose fault lines in North-South collaboration.
University World News.
Aryeetey, Ernest; Engebretsen, Eivind; Gornitzka, ?se; Maassen, Peter & St?len, Svein
A step backwards in the fight against global vaccine inequities.
The Lancet.
ISSN 0140-6736.
Krick, Eva & Gornitzka, ?se
Expertisation of policy advice? Dynamics of the EU Commission’s high level groups.
Krick, Eva; Holst, Cathrine & Gornitzka, ?se
The negotiated expertise of ad hoc advisory committees and the dynamics and variations of knowledge regimes.
Krick, Eva & Gornitzka, ?se
Expertisation of the EU Commission’s expert groups?
Gornitzka, ?se
The effect of European Union agencies on the expertise-executive nexus in the European Commission.
Egeberg, Morten; Gornitzka, ?se & Trondal, Jarle
Merit-based recruitment boosts good governance: How do European Union agencies recruit their personnel?
Holst, Cathrine & Gornitzka, ?se
The Role of Expert Knowledge in EU Executive Institutions.
Berg, Lisbet & Gornitzka, ?se
The Consumer Attention Deficit Syndrome.
Gornitzka, ?se
Europeiske flaggskipsuniversitet – balansegangen mellom eksellens og samfunnsrelevans.
Maassen, Peter; Fumasoli, Tatiana & Gornitzka, ?se
The level of internal integration in European flagship universities.
Egeberg, Morten; Gornitzka, ?se & Trondal, Jarle
The technocratic European Commission - a myth?
Fumasoli, Tatiana; Gornitzka, ?se & Maassen, Peter
Institutional autonomy in Higher Education.
Fumasoli, Tatiana; Gornitzka, ?se & Maassen, Peter
Institutional autonomy in flagship universities.
Chou, Meng-Hsuan & Gornitzka, ?se
I kunnskapens Europa.
Addressa (kronikk).
Berg, Lisbet & Gornitzka, ?se
The Consumer Atention Deficit Syndrome.
Gornitzka, ?se
Institutionalising Governance for a Europe of Knowledge: the application of the Open Method of Coordination in research and education policy.
Gornitzka, ?se & Sverdrup, Ulf
Who are the experts? The informational basis of EU decision making.
Gornitzka, ?se & Larsen, Ingvild Marheim
The “institutional paradox” and university change: four cases of moving the unmovable?
Gornitzka, ?se
Institutionalising Governance for a Europe of Knowledge: the application of the Open Method of Coordination in research and education policy.
Larsen, Ingvild Marheim & Gornitzka, ?se
The "institutional paradox" and university change: four cases of moving the unmovable?
Gornitzka, ?se & Sverdrup, Ulf
The informational basis of EU decision making- a national bias?
Vis sammendrag
This paper examines some basic propositions regarding the informational foundation of EU decision making. Who provides the European Commission with information? Are these sources of information biased? If so, in what way, and what can the informational bias tell us about decision making in the Commission and the European Union? The papers examines different competing propositions about the character of the Commission information system with reference to different theoretical conceptions of European governance, as well as to different general notions about the role of information and informational systems in decision-making. We separate between four kinds of information providers: the scientific community, societal actors, governmental officials, as well as a mixed multi-actor model. The empirical section of the paper builds upon a quantitative analysis of all of the European Commission expert groups (N=1237). Our analysis reveals that although scientists, and various interest groups, industries and NGOs play an important role in providing information to the European Commission, the informational foundation is strongly biased towards officials from public administrations and in particular officials from the national administrations.
Gornitzka, ?se
New Public Management og h?yere utdanning: Styringsrevolusjon eller stor st?hei om ingenting?
Gornitzka, ?se
OMC – A Watershed in European Education policy?
Fumasoli, Tatiana; Gornitzka, ?se & Maassen, Peter
University Autonomy and Organizational Change Dynamics.
Universitetet i Oslo.
ISSN 0805-5130.
Elken, Mari; Gornitzka, ?se; Maassen, Peter & Vukasovic, Martina
European integration and the transformation of higher education.
Universitetet i Oslo.
Chou, Meng-Hsuan & Gornitzka, ?se
Den femte frihet og Kunnskapens Europa: Konsekvenser for Norge.
Europautredningen: Utvalget for utredning av Norges avtaler med EU.