As reiterated in the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020, the University shall be a site for free enquiry and debate, distinguished by its openness to dialogue and rejection of intolerance. Student engagement – and engagement of the university community members at large – is a key condition to the realisation of this principle. Any action aiming to undermine student engagement is unacceptable.
Student engagement has been at the core of Circle U. since its inception. Back in March 2021, student unions and democracies in our universities, took the initiative to establish the Circle U. Student Union (CUSU). Since then, CUSU has been defending the interests of students by actively participating in all governing bodies of Circle U. as well as in the alliance’s projects, activities and initiatives.
Academic freedom and institutional autonomy are vital to provide high quality, inclusive and societally relevant education and research. Any external influence – being political, cultural or economic – putting these principles at risk is unacceptable.
Circle U. is an alliance of nine leading, comprehensive and research-intensive universities in Europe and beyond. We have developed a vision for the future of higher education and research, for our universities, for our alliance. We are equally committed to achieve this vision based on shared values in the alliance. We value diversity and are promoting dialogue and encouraging a plurality of views and approaches throughout the alliance, while respecting institutional autonomy.
The Rectors and Presidents of Circle U. and CUSU want to express their support to students, professors, researchers, administrative staff members, and ultimately Rector Vladan Djoki? and his team at the University of Belgrade, who are under significant pressure that clearly challenges institutional autonomy, academic freedom and, more broadly, democracy.
We will continue to closely follow the developments in Serbia. In dialogue with the University of Belgrade leadership, we will explore any action aiming to actively support the university community at large.