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The conference is an occasion to bring together researchers in the beautiful Hammamet to discuss on the recent developments in stochastics with applications to mathematical physics and finance.
An event dedicated to the memory of Habib Ouerdiane.
Hva er effekten av Ukraina-krigen p? omstillingen mot et ikke-fossilt energisystem? Og hvor effektiv er egentlig bruken av energi som politisk ?v?pen??
Hvordan sikrer vi at digitaliseringen forsterker, og ikke undergraver, gr?nn omstilling?
Spend a day with great science, innovation and networking opportunities at this meeting place for academia, the institute sector, the public sector, start-ups and industry.? The innovation conference had sessions on life sciences and energy & environment and was a part of Oslo Innovation Week 2023. The next conference is held 25 September 2024 as part of Oslo Innovation Week 2024.
Syv forskere fra CIENS-instituttene har syv minutter hver p? ? fortelle hvordan hensyn til natur, klima og energi kan forenes.
The IUROPA network has announced a call for participation in a four-day workshop that will assist early-career researchers with the uptake of new research tools related to judicial decision-making.
Hva kan vi som fremtidens helsearbeidere gj?re for ? kunne bli mer rustet til ? h?ndtere fremtidens helseutfordringer? Velkommen til den ?rlige konferansen med fokus p? b?rekraft og helse i et tverrfaglig perspektiv. Konferansen er initiert og gjennomf?res av studenter ved Universitetet i Oslo.
The ENROL project organises a workshop on theoretical perspectives on democratic backsliding in the EU.
An engaging meeting with this year's Arne N?ss professor, Jason Hickel.
The Department for Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH) cordially invites you to its first Digital Humanities Day, which will take place on 14 September 2023. This event will bring together a range of experts in the Digital Humanities to discuss the possibilities of using digital tools for historical research. Registration below.
Possible worlds are total ways the world could have been and have played a crucial role in the metaphysics and logic of modality. Many issues in the philosophy of possible worlds are discussed in terms of the debate between actualists and possibilists. This workshop aims to bring together philosophers working broadly in the metaphysics of modality to discuss the extent to which these issues about possible worlds can be understood and interact with the more recent debate in modal metaphysics between contingentists and necessitists.
International conference of the European Research Council Project BENEDICAMUS, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo
A conference to explore the interzone between translation studies and medical humanities; to invoke the role of the arts, humanities and social sciences as essential services for medicine and health care; and to reappraise the impact of biomedicine in our linguistic, cultural, and societal ecosystems.
1. september arrangerte SERAF den tredje internasjonale naloksonkonferansen ThINC-3
UiO:Energy and Environment is funding the development of Thematic Research Groups (TRG). Selected TRGs are expected to make substantial contributions to sustainability transitions by addressing challenges related to energy, climate and environment. We invite all interested researchers to an information meeting.
This Stochastic Analysis and Applications Workshop aims to provide a professional platform for young researchers in stochastics from China and Norway to convene, exchange ideas, and potentially establish new collaborations.
Conference organised by Screen Cultures, Department of Media and Communication, and NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies)
UiO:Energy and Environment is funding the development of Thematic Research Groups (TRG). Selected TRGs are expected to make substantial contributions to sustainability transitions by addressing challenges related to energy, climate and environment. We invite all interested researchers to a first information meeting. There will be a second information meeting and matchmaking event August 29.
Exhibition presented by the Norwegian Bioart Arena.