Tidligere arrangementer - Side 20
This seminar gathers academia, civil society, industry and decision makers in order to advance Amazon biodiversity research in Norway.
Konferansen ble arrangert av SERAF, Bergen Kommune, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sr?det og Helsedirektoratet i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med proLAR, Bergensklinikkene, Helse Bergen, SIRUS og Folkehelseinstituttet.
The issue of power in PD has recently drawn some interest and our workshop at the Aarhus conference 2015 aims to expand the power discussion to a big and largely unexamined question in PD: how can users possibly collaborate in the design of an artifact?
Please note that participation is by invitation only. Note also that there is an official homepage of the Abel Symposium 2015.
The Abel Symposium is administrated by the Norwegian Mathematical Society.
The statistics groups at the University of Oslo and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences invite all PhD-students and postdocs within statistics in the Oslo-region as well as their teachers and supervisors to a 2-days workshop.
Fourteenth International Workshop
Det 50. m?te i Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes avholdes i Oslo 24.-26. april.
Welcome to the SECOND conference on Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics. The conference will bring together leading researchers in the fields of stochastic analysis and finance to discuss recent developments and challenges with an edge towards energy, environmental and financial markets.
The conference is also a celebration of professor Bernt ?ksendal's 70th anniversary. On Thursday April 23 the program of the conference will mark this big event with a selected list of speakers.
The conference is organized by the Center of Advanced Studies (CAS), Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics. Scientific organizers: Fred Espen Benth and Giulia Di Nunno (UiO)
NHM inviterer til v?rens museumspedagogiske m?teplass 23. mars 2015.
NHM inviterer til v?rens museumspedagogiske m?teplass 23. mars 2015.
2. - 4. februar 2015 arrangerer programmene Rusmiddel og Psykisk helse konferanse i Troms?. Det vil bli utdeling av forskningspris for beste artikkel og poster.
Kosmologikonferansen Beyond ΛCDM blir arrangert p? Scandic Holmenkollen Park Hotel i Oslo fra 13. januar kl 17:00 til 17. januar kl 14:00.
Supported by the Foundation for Danish-Norwegian cooperation.
Rocka fossiler, tegneserier og rosablogging. Vin, vandreteater og vitenskap. M?t forskere som har valgt utradisjonelle kanaler i formidlingsarbeidet sitt.
Velkommen til den 10. nasjonale LAR-konferansen!
Avdeling rus- og avhengighetsbehandling, Oslo universitetssykehus og SERAF - Senter for rus- og avhengighetsforskning ved Universitetet i Oslo ?nsker alle velkommen til to spennende dager!
Welcome to the conference on Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics. The conference will bring together leading researchers in the fields of stochastic analysis and finance to discuss recent developments and challenges with an edge towards energy, environmental and financial markets.
The conference is organized by the Center of Advanced Studies (CAS), Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics. Scientific organizers: Fred Espen Benth and Giulia Di Nunno (UiO).
Mini-seminar in connection with the conferment of a honorary doctoral degree awarded to Prof. Eske Willerslev by the University of Oslo.
Biodiversity of the High North: DNA barcoding and phylogeography of Arctic insects – student training in molecular methods and analyses (DNARCT).
Welcome to the Abel Symposium 2014 in Lofoten. The symposium will bring researchers together to discuss statistical analysis for high-dimensional data.
[This is a closed event by invitation only, but a proceedings will be published by Springer (linked here).]
Vi ?nsker alle som arbeider med museumspedagogikk velkommen til Museumspedagogisk fagdag 2014.