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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 14

Tid og sted: , Ris?r hotell

The purpose of the conference is to bring together leading researchers and students in stochastic analysis and applications, to discuss new results and research challenges, with emphasis on stochastic analysis, stochastic control and  information,  random fields, and applications to risk models in finance,  biology, insurance and physics.

Tid og sted: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and The Science Library of University of Oslo

IUBS is celebrating its centenary year with special sessions and talks on a number of topics that are main focus of IUBS in the 33rd General Assembly and the scientific sessions in Oslo, July 30 through August 2.


Summer school and workshop at University of Oslo

Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the fifth and last of a mini-course given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Troms? Research Foundation.   


Tid og sted: , Skatten, T?yen

An evening with talks from scientists about their research related to harvesting and using energy. The event will be held at Skatten Oslo on Thursday 13th of June at 19.00. This event is meant for the general public so bring your friends and family for an evening of interesting talks from inspiring scientists!

Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the fourth of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Troms? Research Foundation.    


Tid og sted: , Domus Medica, Department of Nutrition, IMB, UiO, room 2180/2183
Tid og sted: , Sundvolden Hotel
Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the third of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Troms? Research Foundation.    


Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the second of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Troms? Research Foundation.   


Tid og sted: , Handelsh?yskolen BI

Styring av statlige virksomheter kjennetegnes ofte med problemstillinger knyttet til lite 澳门葡京手机版app下载 p? tvers, for stor grad av detaljstyring, og lite rom for ledelse. Hva kan gj?res for ? endre m?ten man jobber p? i dag? 

Tid og sted: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO


This lecture is the first of a mini-course consisting of five lectures given by Professor John Quigg (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA), one of the world leading experts on the topic of C*-dynamical systems.

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Troms? Research Foundation.  

Tid og sted: , T?yen hovedg?rd

?rets f?rste ?Se mot Nord? arrangeres i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med Naturhistorisk museum og har f?tt tittelen ?Nordomr?dene - et skattkammer for natur- og kulturhistorisk forskning?

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Aud. 4

This is the third and last lecture by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lecture.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Aud. 4

This is the second in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Aud. 4

This is the first in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Auditorium 1

The 4th Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics

Tid og sted: , RITMO, Harald Schjelderups hus

Workshop during the GLOW conference: Generative Linguistics beyond Language: Shared Modules for Rhythm, Narration and Emotion across Domains.

Tid og sted: , Room B2-070, BI Nydalen, Nydalsveien 37, Oslo

BI Centre for Energy, UiO:Energy and Subsea Valley welcome you to a mini seminar.

Tid og sted: , T?yen hovedg?rd

Det ?rlege m?tepunktet for alle som arbeider med formidling og utstillingar ved museum.

Tid og sted: , T?yen hovedg?rd

Det ?rlege m?tepunktet for alle som arbeider med formidling og utstillingar ved museum.

Tid og sted: , Litteraturhuset, kjelleren

By the end of 2019, the new, additional offshore gas pipeline “Nord Stream 2”, running from Vyborg, Russia to Greifswald, Germany through the Baltic Sea, will double the current amount of Russian gas exports to the European Union on this line

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo

A winter workshop in numerical methods for PDEs on the occasion of Ragnar Winther’s 70th birthday

Tid og sted: , Forsamlingssalen ved Harald Schjelderups hus

Endelig en norsk tariff for m?ling av livskvalitet i ?konomisk evaluering: Godt eller veldig godt nytt?

Tid og sted: , Thon Hotel Opera, Oslo

Registration is now open for the NCMM annual network meeting.