Hege Yvonne Hermansen

Image of Hege Yvonne Hermansen
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Moltke Moes vei 39 Georg Sverdrups hus 4. etasje 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1144 0318 Oslo

Academic interests

My research interests include knowledge work in the professions, teaching and learning in higher education, program design and development in professional education and the interrelationships between professional knowledge, autonomy and responsibility. I teach courses on teaching and learning in higher education, and have contributed to a range of projects and initiatives aimed at strengthening educational quality in higher education. 

At LINK, I lead the E-Pal project (Equipping Palestine with E-learning), which is a six-year research and development project financed by Norads program for capacity development in higher education (NORHEDII). The main aim of the project is to strengthen the pedagogical use of digital technologies in the Palestinian higher education sector. The project is carried out in collaboration with Palestine Polytechnic University in Hebron, University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza and OsloMet. 

I have a PhD in Education from the University of Oslo, and am associated with Centre for the Study of Professions at OsloMet. 



  • Omland, Maren; Hontvedt, Magnus; Siddiq, Fazilat; Amundrud, Anja; Hermansen, Hege & Mathisen, Maiken Andrea Simmersholm [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2025). Co-creation in higher education: a conceptual systematic review. Higher Education. ISSN 0018-1560. doi: 10.1007/s10734-024-01364-1.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2023). 澳门葡京手机版app下载slitterasitet hos l?rere og ledere i skolen - en casestudie, En forskningsbasert skole? 澳门葡京手机版app下载ens plass i l?rerutdanning og skole. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215065540.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2023). Kunnskapsintegrasjon i l?rerutdanning og profesjonsut?velse, En forskningsbasert skole? 澳门葡京手机版app下载ens plass i l?rerutdanning og skole. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215065540.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2023). Konstruksjoner av ?partnerskap? i universiteter og h?gskolers 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med skolesektoren. UNIPED. ISSN 1500-4538. doi: 10.18261/uniped.46.3.5.
  • Wittek, Anne Line; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Interactional Dynamics in Observation-Based Peer Group Mentoring. In de Lange, Thomas & Wittek, Anne Line (Ed.), Faculty Peer Group Mentoring in Higher Education: Developing Collegiality through Organised Supportive Collaboration. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-37457-9.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Lycke, Kirsten Marie Rode Hofgaard & Rasmussen, Alf (2023). Peer Group Mentoring: Exploring the Interplay with Institutional Practices. In de Lange, Thomas & Wittek, Anne Line (Ed.), Faculty Peer Group Mentoring in Higher Education: Developing Collegiality through Organised Supportive Collaboration. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-37457-9. p. 39–54.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2023). ‘Research Use’ in Education: Conceptualising the Teaching Profession Within the Policy–Research–Practice Nexus. In Pr?itz, Tine Sophie; Aasen, Petter & Wermke, Wieland Ulrich (Ed.), From education policy to education practice Unpacking the nexus. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-031-36969-8. p. 75–92.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Lund, Andreas (2023). Beyond Implementation: Enabling Sustainable Transformations of Digital Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. In Pinheiro, Romulo; T?mte, Cathrine Edelhard; Barman, Linda; Degn, Lise & Geschwind, Lars (Ed.), Digital Transformations in Nordic Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-031-27758-0. p. 97–118. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hagen, Anne K.; Damen, Maria Louiza Christina & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Unpacking the Theory-Practice Nexus in Basic Police Education. Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing (NJSP). ISSN 2703-7045. 10(1). doi: 10.18261/njsp.10.1.7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Stensaker, Bj?rn & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Global, Nordic, or institutional visions? An investigation into how Nordic universities are adapting to the SDGs. Higher Education. ISSN 0018-1560. doi: 10.1007/s10734-023-01047-3. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Hvordan h?ndtere et komplekst begrep? Analyser av "l?rerrollen" i et politisk utredningsarbeid. In Pr?itz, Tine Sophie (Eds.), 澳门葡京手机版app下载soversikter i utdanningsvitenskap: Systematikk og kreativitet. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-450-4417-1.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2023). Beyond the research–practice gap: Constructing epistemic relations in teacher education. International Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0883-0355. 119. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2023.102171.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2022). Desentralisert skoleutvikling i et historisk perspektiv – back to the 80s? In Mausethagen, S?lvi & Helstad, Kristin (Ed.), Skoleutvikling - i forskning, politikk og praksis. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202717728. p. 35–54.
  • Wittek, Anne Line; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland & Hermansen, Hege (2021). Hva skjer i dialogene? Om samtaledynamikker i kollegaveiledning og potensial for l?ring. In Wittek, Anne Line & de Lange, Thomas (Ed.), Kollegaveiledning i h?yere utdanning. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215048420. p. 81–102.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland; Rasmussen, Alf & Lycke, Kirsten Hofgaard (2021). Kollegaveiledning: samspill eller motspill med institusjonelle praksiser. In Wittek, Anne Line & de Lange, Thomas (Ed.), Kollegaveiledning i h?yere utdanning. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215048420. p. 64–80.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2020). Knowledge Discourses and Coherence in Professional Education. Professions and Professionalism. ISSN 1893-1049. 10(2), p. 1–21. doi: 10.7577/pp.3713. Full text in Research Archive
  • Heikkil?, Mirva; Hermansen, Hege; Iiskala, Tuike; Mikkila-Erdmann, Mirjamaija & Warinowski, Anu (2020). Epistemic agency in student teachers’ engagement with research skills. Teaching in Higher Education. ISSN 1356-2517. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2020.1821638. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hermansen, Hege (2019). Kunnskapsarbeid som et ansvarsomr?de for l?rere og skoleledere. In Helstad, Kristin & Mausethagen, S?lvi (Ed.), Nye l?rer- og lederroller i skolen. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-03407-2.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2019). In Pursuit of Coherence: Aligning Program Development in Teacher Education with Institutional Practices. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2019.1639815.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Lorentzen, Marte; Mausethagen, S?lvi & Zlatanovic, Tatjana (2018). Hva kjennetegner forskning p? l?rerrollen under Kunnskapsl?ftet? En forskningskartlegging av studier av norske l?rere, l?rerstudenter og l?rerutdannere. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN 1504-9922. 12(1). doi: 10.5617/adno.4351. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nerland, Monika & Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2017). Sosiomaterielle perspektiver p? profesjonskvalifisering: Kunnskapsressursenes betydning. In Mausethagen, S?lvi & Smeby, Jens-Christian (Ed.), Kvalifisering til profesjonell yrkesut?velse. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215026459. p. 167–179. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2017). Knowledge relations and epistemic infrastructures as mediators of teachers' collective autonomy. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. ISSN 0742-051X. 65, p. 1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2017.03.003. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2016). N?r kunnskap blir styrende: L?reres rekontekstualisering av nye kunnskapsformer. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN 1504-9922. 10(2), p. 92–107. doi: 10.5617/adno.2467.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2016). Teachers' knowledge work in collective practice development: Approaches to introducing assessment for learning at the school level. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 60(6), p. 679–693. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2015.1066433.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Nerland, Monika (2014). Reworking practice through an AfL project: an analysis of teachers’ collaborative engagement with new assessment guidelines. British Educational Research Journal (BERJ). ISSN 0141-1926. 40(1), p. 187–206. doi: 10.1002/berj.3037.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Nerland, Monika (2014). Betydningen av l?reres kunnskapsarbeid for utvikling av kollektiv praksis. In Elstad, Eyvind & Helstad, Kristin (Ed.), Profesjonsutvikling i skolen. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-02355-7. p. 224–240.

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  • Hermansen, Hege (2018). Kunnskapsarbeid i l?rerprofesjonen. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215028521. 160 p.

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  • Afdal, Hilde W?gs?s; Lorentzen, Marte; Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2024). Research on ‘research use’ in education: a systematic scoping review.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Research literacy among teachers and school leaders - a case study.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2023). Between policy implementation and the third mission: The higher education sector and school-based capacity development.
  • Tronsmo, Eli & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Generative resistance as knowledge work: Teacher’s Engagement with Assessment Criteria.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi; Hermansen, Hege; Holmeide, Hanna; Lorentzen, Marte; Niederberger, Vera & Skedsmo, Guri (2023). Research use in the teaching profession: A systematic review.
  • Omland, Maren; Amundrud, Anja; Hontvedt, Magnus; Hermansen, Hege; Siddiq, Fazilat & Rudningen, Gudrun [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2023). Co-creation and student-staff partnership in higher education.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2023). Research literacy among teachers and school leaders: A case study.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi; Hermansen, Hege; Holmeide, Hanna; Lorentzen, Marte; Niederberger, Vera & Skedsmo, Guri (2023). Research use in the teaching profession across contexts: A systematic scoping review.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Stensaker, Bj?rn (2022). Symbolic, Institutional or Nordic Visions? Nordic universities and the SDGs.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2022). Blurring the boundaries between higher education and professional practice: Constructing new relations across institutional and epistemic spaces .
  • Tamimi, Mohammed; Muhtaseb, Khawla; Hermansen, Hege; Almasri, Mohammed; Awawdeh, Razan & El Mashharawi, Aya (2021). A Holistic Approach to E-learning in the Palestinian Higher Education Sector.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2021). Evaluering av desentralisering ordning - skole.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Lund, Andreas (2021). Beyond “implementation”: Enabling sustainable transformation of digital teaching and learning in higher education.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Mangset, Marte & Bringsrud Fekj?r, Silje (2021). Myter og fakta om forskningstid. Khrono.no. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi & Hermansen, Hege (2020). Evaluering av Dekom-s - noen forel?pige observasjoner.
  • Heikkil?, Mirva; Hermansen, Hege; Iiskala, Tuike; Mikkila-Erdmann, Mirjamaija & Warinowski, Anu (2020). Tools for the Age of Post-Truth: Making Research Skills Visible in Promoting Student Teachers’ Epistemic Agency.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Jorde, Doris (2020). Reforming the knowledge base of Norwegian teacher education: Integrating research-based education and professional relevance.
  • Hermansen, Hege & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2020). Getting beyond the “theory/practice-gap”: Constructions of knowledge relations in research on teacher education.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2020). Kunnskapsarbeidets rolle i skolebaserte utviklingsprosjekter.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2019). Review: Working Relationally in and across practices: a cultural-historical approach to collaboration, by Edwards, A., Cambridge University Press, 2017. . Mind, Culture, and Activity. ISSN 1074-9039. doi: 10.1080/10749039.2019.1692036.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2019). Tracing the enactment of agency in program design and development in teacher education.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2019). Profesjonsrettet vurdering i l?rerutdanningene.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2019). Disciplinary academics or teacher educators? Knowledge discourses as a tool for mediating epistemic boundaries in professional education.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2018). Disciplinary academics or teacher educators? Negotiating epistemic boundaries in professional education.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2018). Fagfornyelsen: vurdering som integrerende kraft?
  • Hermansen, Hege & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2018). Differentiating "practice" in the "theory/practice-gap": Exploring conceptualisations of "practice" in research on teacher education.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2018). Program development in teacher education: Between organisation, knowledge and politics.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2018). In pursuit of integration: Teacher educators' approaches to program development.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2017). Teacher educators in narratives of change: A review of program development in teacher education.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne; Zlatanovic, Tatjana & Lorentzen, Marte (2016). Professional work of Norwegian teachers during the Knowledge Promotion Reform: A literature review.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2016). Kunnskap, ansvar og autonomi i l?rerprofesjonen.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Mausethagen, S?lvi (2016). N?r kunnskap blir styrende: L?reres utfordringer i m?te med nye kunnskapsformer.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2016). Constructing agency and autonomy through knowledge practices in professional work: An analytical framework.
  • Dahl, Thomas & Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2015). 澳门葡京手机版app下载 p? l?rerrollen i Norge - relevans for l?rerutdanningen? .
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2015). Constructing professional roles and responsibilities through knowledge work: the case of Assessment for Learning.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2015). (De-)constructing professional agency through knowledge work: Teachers developing Assessment for Learning at the school level.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2014). Hva fremmer kvalitet?
  • Hermansen, Hege (2014). Teachers’ knowledge work and collective practice development: Approaches to introducing Assessment for Learning at the school level.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2014). Teachers’ knowledge work within different school settings: Examining the interrelationship between the epistemic and the organisational.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2014). Teachers' knowledge work and collective practice development.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2014). Knowledge work' as an analytical perspective for examining knowledge in the professions,
  • Brevik, Birger & Hermansen, Hege (2014). Fra utdanningene: Integrasjon mellom utdanning og arbeidsliv gjennom strategisk bruk av teknologi. [Internet]. Program for fremragende profesjonskvalifisering (FPK).
  • Spetalen, Halvor Einung; Sannerud, Ronny & Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2014). Fra utdanningene: Overf?res l?ring gjennom simulerings?velser til praksis? [Internet]. SPK bloggen, HiOA.
  • Bonsaksen, Tore & Hermansen, Hege (2014). Sampublisering med studenter. [Internet]. http://khrono.no/debatt/sampublisering-med-studenter.
  • Bonsaksen, Tore & Hermansen, Hege (2014). Sampublisering med studenter gjennom videreutvikling av bacheloroppgaver. [Internet]. https://blogg.hioa.no/fpksatsing/2014/03/31/fra-utdanningene.
  • Ribu, Kirsten & Hermansen, Hege (2013). Fra utdanningene: involvering av studenter i forskningsprosjekter. [Internet]. FPK-bloggen.
  • Gran?s, Anne Gerd; Foss, Camilla & Hermansen, Hege (2013). Fra utdanningene: bruk av digitale kollokvier for ? styrke forholdet mellom utdanning og praksis. [Internet]. Blogg: Program for fremragende profesjonskvalifisering (FPK).
  • Hermansen, Hege & Komulainen, Tiina M. (2013). Simulering som verkt?y for ? skape en praksisn?r utdanning. [Internet]. FPK-blogg og Khrono.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Nerland, Monika (2012). Co-production of Assessment Practices: Challenges Emerging in Teachers’ Work with ’Assessment for Learning’.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Nerland, Monika (2011). Negotiating Professional Standards: Teachers’ engagement with new guidelines for student assessment.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne & Nerland, Monika (2010). Standardisation as knowledge practice: Teachers' engagement with new standards for student assessment.
  • Omland, Maren; Rudningen, Gudrun; Hermansen, Hege; Mathisen, Maiken Andrea Simmersholm; Mangen, Lisbeth Regine & Ali, Hasan [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). Delrapport 4: F?lgeforskning av Den gode studentopplevelsen: Studentmedvirkning i DGS. OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Sarastuen, Nora K.; Agerup, Kristi & Mathisen, Maiken Andrea Simmersholm (2022). Delrapport 2: F?lgeforskning av Den gode studentopplevelsen (EVA-DGS). Kartlegging av programportef?ljen. OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.
  • Hermansen, Hege; Hagen, Aina Landsverk; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard; Johannesen, Monica; Mifsud, Louise & Rudningen, Gudrun [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2022). Delrapport 1: F?lgeforskning av Den gode studentopplevelsen (EVA-DGS). OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.
  • Fossest?l, Knut; Borg, Elin; Flatland, Tord; Hermansen, Hege; Lyng, Selma Therese & Mausethagen, S?lvi [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Lokal kompetanseutvikling. Evaluering av implementeringen av ny tilskuddsordning i grunoppl?ringen. . OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.
  • Esterhazy, Rachelle & Hermansen, Hege (2019). ?Flipped classroom? i praksis: Hvordan tilrettelegge for aktive l?ringsprosesser . Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Hermansen, Hege (2019). Utforming av vurderingskriterier og sensorveiledninger – sentrale sp?rsm?l og avveininger . Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Mausethagen, S?lvi; Hermansen, Hege Yvonne; Lorentzen, Marte; Zlatanovic, Tatjana & Dahl, Thomas (2016). Hva kjennetegner forskning p? norske l?rere under kunnskapsl?ftet? En forskningskartlegging. OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.
  • Hermansen, Hege Yvonne (2015). Knowledge work in the teaching profession: Opening up the black box of teachers’ engagement with Assessment for Learning. Universitetet i Oslo.

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Published Aug. 9, 2022 1:32 PM - Last modified Feb. 13, 2025 10:37 AM