Being a student is not easy – we have to read thousands of pages, write lengthy papers, some of us work, and somehow, we are supposed to manage to sleep enough, socialize and stay healthy. As a result, it is often easy to lose the sight of the bigger picture and the question “where do you want to be in 5 years” catches us by surprise. Students are expected to take extracurricular opportunities to be ready for what comes after the graduation. But what opportunities do you take? Where do you find them? How do you approach organizations and professionals offering them?
We acknowledge that there is not much information out there about these questions and have organized a workshop with LINK and the UiO Career Center where we discuss these questions together with you and give you practical information about strategies, approaches and resources on taking your student years to the next level and meeting the “after-graduation-life” more prepared. Representatives from LINK and UiO Career Center will join our conversation. Most importantly we provide Pizza and sodas after the workshop!
The event is for everybody, but its secret mission is to fill the information gap that exists for international students in Norway.
We have only 30 spots, so, hurry up! Sign up by filling out this form or on the Facebook event
(Folkeliggjort is the host on Facebook because LINK does not have social media)