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Interdisciplinary facilitator program - spring 2024

The interdisciplinary facilitator program is a support tool for teaching assistants in interdisciplinary subjects. Throughout the semester, teaching assistants share experiences and learn important tools for facilitating interdisciplinary groups.

Program for the spring semester 2024

Date and time Program content Other information

Thursday, January 11th


Introduction to inderdisciplinary group work

  • What is the interdisciplinary facilitator program?
  • Integrated learning
  • The facilitator's role, how to establish a good start with the group


Klein, J.T. (2005) Integrative Learning and Interdisciplinary Studies. Peer Review, 7(4), 8-10.


With: Victoria Haynes

Thursday, January 25th


Learning environment and group dynamics

  • How to establish a good learning environment?
  • How to support groups in working interdisciplinary?
With: Ella Maria Cosmovici Ids?e and Victoria Haynes

Thursday, February 8th


Knowledge exchange and experience sharing With: Victoria Haynes

Thursday, February 22nd


Knowledge exchange and experience sharing With: Victoria Haynes

Thursday, March 7th


Experiences as a facilitator

  • Discussing experiences from the interdisciplinary workshop and summary of the interdisciplinary facilitator program
  • Personal development as a facilitator

Preparation: answer the Menti (link will be provided)

With: Mary Preston Sutphen and Victoria Haynes

Thursday, March 21st


Knowledge exchange and experience sharing With: Victoria Haynes

Thursday, April 4th


Evaluation With: Victoria Haynes

The interdisciplinary facilitator program will take place in the Department of Physics, east wing, 4. floor, room ?456.

Published Dec. 13, 2023 2:11 PM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2023 9:49 AM