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Arktisk Dag 2017

N? arrangeres Arktisk Dag ved UiO igjen! Tema for dagen er "Opening the Arctic – Challenges and opportunities".

UiOs arrangerte Arktisk Dag for f?rste gang i februar i fjor. Arrangementet ble en stor suksess, med ca 100 deltakere fra UiO, diverse departementer, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sr?det, n?ringslivet, Stortinget mm, og med god omtale fra deltakerne.

Tema for dagen: Opening the Arctic – Challenges and opportunities

The Arctic is becoming increasingly accessible due to technological developments and climate change, providing opportunities for expansion of human activities such as fisheries, petroleum activities and tourism. At the same time there are challenges in managing, and understanding, these changes so as to protect social and biological values. This year's Arctic Day presents insights from recent research on the natural and social-economic systems in the  Arctic - interdisciplinary knowledge needed to manage the opening Arctic to the best of future generations.


Arrangementet er ?pent for alle nordomr?deinteresserte, b?de UiO-ansatte og andre.


Kl. 12.00

Registration and light lunch
Kl. 13.00

Welcome and introduction of today's moderator

Erik R?s?g - Nils Chr. Stenseth

Kl. 13.15

From Viking-age archaeology to 21st-century DNA sequencing: Discovering the legacy of Atlantic cod exploitation using ancient DNA

James Barrett, Cambridge and Bastiaan Star, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo

Kl. 14.00

Non-photosynthetic light harvesting - a feature of high arctic marine ecosystems

Kjetill Sigurd Jakobsen, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo

Kl. 14.15 Coffee and fruit
Kl. 14.45

The Arctic is not an 'evolutionary freezer': high speciation rates in Arctic plants

Christian Brochmann, Natural History Museum , University of Oslo

Kl. 15.00

Opening a new Arctic. A voyage through time and space

Grace Shephard, Faculty of Mathematics and natural Sciences, University of Oslo

Kl. 15.15

The Guardians of the Arctic – and their Guardians

Erik R?s?g, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

Kl. 15.30

Uses of the Arctic: Resources and Discourses

Ulrike Spring and Johan Schimanski, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo

Kl. 15.45

A home for science: Anthropological perspectives on an Arctic field station

Paul Wenzel Geissler, Faculty of Social SciencesI University of Oslo

Kl. 16.00 Coffee and cake
Kl. 16.15

The annual UiO Day of the Arctic

Rector Svein St?len, University of Oslo

Kl. 16.30

Physical oceanography - the legacy of Nansen and Helland- Hansen

Cecilie Mauritzen,  Oceanographer and climate scientist

Kl. 16.50

The Nansen Legacy

Marit Reigstad, University of Troms?, the Artic University of Norway

Kl. 17.10

The Fridtjof Nansen Lectures on Ocean Life: Reconciling Energy Resource Extraction with Ecosystem Health – Lessons from Deepwater Horizon 

Marcia McNutt, US Academy of Sciences

Publisert 4. okt. 2017 12:12 - Sist endret 17. mars 2021 13:07