Successful relaunch: Let's Talk About Energy

On Thursday May 2 the event series Let's Talk About Energy made its successful return, adding to the ongoing interdisciplinary conversations on sustainable energy, climate, and environment at UiO.

Bildet kan inneholde: fotografi, eiendom, produkt, mote, font.

Photo by Stefan Erbs.

Five early career researchers at UiO presented their latest findings. With a time limit of ten minutes per presentation, the Let’s talk about energy concept allows researchers to share state-of-the-art insights with peers and a general audience in an accessible soundbite-friendly format.  

Director of UiO:Energy and Environment, Vebj?rn Bakken, is excited that the series is back in action.

- It fills an important niche for early career researchers, allowing them to showcase their work in a relaxed yet intellectually stimulating environment and I’m really excited that the series is up and running again, says Bakken.

The evenings line-up consisted of:

  • Athanasios Chatzitakis, Researcher, Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology/Chemistry: "Will water be the Coal of the future?"
  • Katinka Kristine Holtsmark, Assistant professor (tenure-track), Department of Economics: "Shock Therapy: Clean Innovation in the Norwegian Oil Supply Industry"
  • Daniel Molin, PhD-candidate and senior adviser at the Norwegian Environment Agency: "From Petrol Stations to Charging Networks"
  • Isabelle Viole, PhD-candidate, Department of Technology Systems: "Using Green Energy to Look at the Stars"
  • Andreas Rosnes, PhD-candidate, Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology/Physics: "Anchored Nanoparticles for Energy Conversion"

The format is open to the public, so it’s a great exercise in science communication as well. We hope it can continue to foster discussions and create networking opportunities across disciplines.

Want to present?

Let’s Talk About Energy is due to return in the fall of 2024. Are you a PhD student or postdoc at UiO within in the fields of sustainable energy, climate and environment and want to present at the next event this upcoming fall? Send an email to Maria Dyvik.

Publisert 5. juni 2024 10:08 - Sist endret 5. juni 2024 10:08