Arrangement - Side 4
Algae can be used to make foods, medicines and energy. What role can researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and investors play in bringing ideas to the market?
Mengden informasjon som finnes om oss i helsetjenesten, og data som vi selv samler inn med kroppssensorer og smarttelefoner, vokser. Hvordan tar vi vare p? verdien i dataene uten at det g?r p? bekostning av personvernet? Vi tar debatten med bakgrunn i h?stens oppsetning av 1984 p? Nationaltheatret.
Dr. Christopher Yau, Reader in Computational Biology based in the Centre for Computational Biology at the University of Birmingham will present the lecture "Probabilistic modelling approach for pseudotime estimation in single cells and populations."
Universitetet i Oslo planlegger et nytt forsknings- og undervisningsbygg for livsvitenskap og 澳门葡京手机版app下载er med en rekke akt?rer for ? ?ke graden av innovasjon. Hva m? til for ? utvikle hele Gaustadbekkdalen til et levende og attraktivt byomr?de for forskning, utdanning, innovasjon og n?ringsutvikling?
Lecture "A new era of medicine with induced pluripotent stem cells – iPS cells" and panel discussion "Implications of Stem Cell Therapy for Patients and Society" with Shinya Yamanaka, 2012 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine.
Hvordan kommer vi fra gode intensjoner til faktisk ? f? mer innovasjon ut av forskningen og skape nye arbeidsplasser innen helsen?ringen? Hvordan vil ulike politiske partier og andre legge til rette for at vi skal n? m?lene om ? bli en livsvitenskapsnasjon?
The foremost experts in the field of personalized medicine will come together with the Nordic hospital directors and medical faculty deans to explore issues such as data sharing, privacy, innovation, stakeholder engagement, and cross-border studies from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Unfortunately, this seminar has been cancelled.
Hvordan lager og lagrer hjernen v?r minner? Hva er falske minner? Kan falske nyheter f? oss til ? huske ting som ikke har skjedd? Kan vi stole p? vitneforklaringer? Kan andre manipulere minnene v?re? Hva er mulig i dag og hva er science fiction? M?t forskere som ved ulike tiln?rminger gir oss innsikt i det siste fra forskningsfronten samt mulighetene og utfordringene framover.
Dr. Robin Andersson, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, will present the lecture Characterisation of regulatory activities and active chromatin architectures from transcription initiation events.
Dr. Harald Binder, Professor, Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, will present the lecture Two uses of stagewise regression: from landmarking in cancer patients to deep learning for SNPs.
– Program 17th February 2017
For researchers at UiO and the surroundings that will be impacted by the planned life science building at UiO.
– Program 16th February 2017
This is the main conference day with perspectives from academia, businesses and politics. There is a reception in the Oslo City Hall in the evening.
– Program 15th February 2017 – Partnership4Life
This day is meant for businesses that want to partner up with academia and vice versa.
Welcome to the annual Darwin Day celebration at the university of Oslo! This open event is for everybody interested in science and history. All are welcome! Speakers: Douglas J. Futuyma, Emma Goldberg, Andrew Hendry, and Yngvild Vindenes.
UiO:Life Science will fund several ?konvergensmilj?? – research groups with collaboration across conventional disciplinary boundaries. The application process starts with workshops with speed dating September 28 and 29.
UiO:Livsvitenskap skal finansiere flere konvergensmilj? – forskningsgrupper med 澳门葡京手机版app下载 p? tvers av konvensjonelle faggrenser. S?knadsprosessen starter med workshop med speed-dater 28. og 29. september.
UiO:Life Science will fund several ?konvergensmilj?? – research groups with collaboration across conventional disciplinary boundaries. The application process starts with workshops with speed dating September 28 and 29.
UiO:Livsvitenskap skal finansiere flere konvergensmilj? – forskningsgrupper med 澳门葡京手机版app下载 p? tvers av konvensjonelle faggrenser. S?knadsprosessen starter med workshop med speed-dater 28. og 29. september.
Open for all! Speakers: Corina E. Tarnita from Princeton University and Jan M. Nordbotten from Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen. This event is part of the University’s annual celebration.
Fredrik Lanner, assistant professor, Karolinska Institutet, will present the work leading up to the recent publication on gene expression in early human embryos, and present his plans to use CRISPR technology to edit genes in early human embryos, as one of the first researchers in the world.
Svenske forskere er blant de f?rste i verden som har kartlagt i detalj hvordan gener styrer fosterutviklingen hos mennesker. P? Fredrik Lanners gjesteforelesning i Oslo 2. juni f?r du h?re om den banebrytende forskningen og planene videre om ? forske p? genredigerte embryoer.
How can the brain learn from experiences, and at the same time be stable enough to retain memories for decades? How does mental capacity change throughout life? Can oral infection be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease? At the seminar we will look more deeply into these questions.